
Member Since: 12/16/2005
Total Mixes: 50
Total Feedback: 24

Troubbble's Mixes

Troubbble's Favorite Mixes

Troubbble's Mixes

CD | Theme - Narrative
This is my first attempt at a narrative mix. I didn't want to go too crazy as far as making up a story line, so I basically just wanted to make a mix that kind of had the feel of the natural course of  …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This is mix I made for one of my best friends for her 15th birthday. She actually hasn't recieved it yet, so here's hoping she doesn't stalk my AotM. It just kind of worked out that the Secret Stars co …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
This was a mix I made to introduce my friend Maggie to some of my favorite bands, or bands that I thought she would love based on the fact that she loves My Chemical Romance and Fall Out Boy that are m …
CD | Theme - Depression
I made this as a sort of reflection on the fact that now, all of my friends have gone away to college and I'm still living at home, not in school, and therefore am at least an hour away by car (if not  …
CD | Theme
This was supposed to be a fall mix, and it worked out to be that way for the most part, but mostly it's just...a mix. You can see it was made around the same time as the others I've uploaded today...I  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
I love how the mixes I make are so representative of my current musical obesessions that there's always a group of four or five that all have at least one or two of the same songs on it. Normally, I'm  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
The idea of this mix is fairly straightforward, I think. To be completely honest, I'm not sure that "Dirty Version" is a Voxtrot song at all...if you know anything about it please let me know. At the v …
CD | Theme
basically, this mix was inspired by the fact that i'm graduating from high school this thursday...kind of. not really. i just wanted to make a mix that felt like youth, growing up, being …
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is one of the longest mixes I've done. I got the idea for it while listening to a bootleg of a Maria Taylor show from Houston, Texas. In her intro to "Speak Easy" she says that they're going to pl …
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