
Member Since: 12/26/1999
Total Mixes: 194
Total Feedback: 258

noiseboy's Mixes

noiseboy's Favorite Mixes

noiseboy's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
still playing catch up!!!
CD | Mixed Genre
more info to come!!
CD | Mixed Genre
info to come!!!
CD | Mixed Genre
This one is called dead saints because I was in Corfu, a Greek island, for the Greek Orthodox Easter. In the morning, the town gathers in the square for a massive parade filled with pontiffs and schoo …
CD | Mixed Genre
There's a subtle science to these monthly mixes I do, that couldn't be achieved without the iTunes software. . . I limit myself only to music I've added to my library within a years time. . . (so for  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another "winter" in Florida. Kinda like spring, but with more New Yorkers. . .Another picture postcard mix. . .ENJOY!!Jet Lag, my blog. ::MySpace Sloring::last-fm anyone?
CD | Mixed Genre
Here it's almost December and I haven't posted any of my monthly mixes yet!!!No pithy comments, just good music. . . a picture postcard of my January. . .ENJOY!!Jet Lag, my blog. ::MySpace Sloring::las …
CD | Mixed Genre
amazing how one little flower can turn your entire night of drinking on its e_nd. or an entire Canadian tour for that matter!!the month of December saw me gain an unhealthy affinity for Patron Silver.  …
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix will forever remind me of driving my rented Escalade down the Sunset Strip in LA on way to sound check at the Vanguard. you have no choice but to go slowly, since drivers are everywhere but at …
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