
Member Since: 11/4/2002
Total Mixes: 86
Total Feedback: 609

quadb's Mixes

quadb's Favorite Mixes

quadb's Last Three Mixes Posted

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
I already posted this mix a few days ago, and then realized that I put the artist in the song title field, and the song titles in the artist field. So basically I'm an idiot. So let's try this again... …
MP3 Playlist | Jazz
I was inspired to create this mix after watching a wonderful indie film from last year entitled "Guy and Madeline On A Park Bench." It's sort of an indie mumblecore musical, of sorts. Think John Cassav …
Playlist | Mixed Genre
It's been six years since my last confe... I mean, mix. Popped back onto this site after many years of absence for nothing more than nostalgia's sake and chortled at how much my tastes have expanded si …

quadb's Last Three Favorite Mixes

by 12vman
Cassette | Theme - Romantic
This is the most romantic mix I've ever seen! The comments are perfect. I've been married to the most perfect woman in the world for 7 years now and I guess I'm just a sucker for this kinda stuff.
CD | Pop
This here is an example of what, in my opinion, can be considered THE PERFECT MIX!! Loveitloveitloveit!
CD | Mixed Genre
I love mixes that are all over the place but still blend well. This one is particularly cool.

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