
Member Since: 12/24/2002
Total Mixes: 38
Total Feedback: 13

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Ferreson's Mixes

Ferreson's Favorite Mixes

Ferreson's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This CD crossed overseas with me, Thousands of miles, as a gift for my little berry Weronika when I visited Warsaw Poland last summer. It has lots of special messages and moments within these tracks of …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
A quixly mixed cd for Jadie on her birthday. The title can be translated as Yellow Stripped Bands, but is written as such because of whatever weird aesthetic from my insides that strike me. I feel it b …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Sweet Sampler 15, joining the collection of the many outstanding mixes of this series, made for myself personally, which include songs that I love, often reflecting significant things to me or moments  …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
A lately posting of Sweet Sampler 14. I'll be posting up 15 soon so I wanted put this one up first. This is a great collection of songs that represent so much to me. Great songs I love with lots of par …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Violet's (first) Mix. I fit a lot of songs on this one, didn't I? And they're all so outstanding. They all have a lot of meaning about the people (us) and situation, and include a wide range of bands I …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
calla - quixlymxd - 04-02-10 A mix quixly made for Calla when we first started to get to know each other. She said she liked a lot of my cute music, and I detected a lot of delicately dark frills in he …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
Another sweet samplet of sherberty goodness. 2007-2008 This mix is a long time coming for posting here. I have tons of mixes that, due to a massive hard drive loss last year, were in various states of  …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I gave this mix to Rindy today. The title is a play on the novel 'Wuthering Heights', that she told me about, and a mix between describing what I think a relationship is about and how that applies in o …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
I haven't submitted a mix in a long time and this mix has in fact been finished and presented as a birthday gift over a year ago already. Her baby that was on the way at the time is now over a year old …
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