Ben Frazier

Member Since: 1/17/2000
Total Mixes: 25
Total Feedback: 8

Ben Frazier's Mixes

Ben Frazier's Favorite Mixes

Ben Frazier's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
So I was doing this rock project with this feller(same rock project as referenced in "We're Kicking it Old School," but different feller), and I went to see his...uh..."solo project" at alocal record s …
CD | Mixed Genre
So I've been doin this band project with this younger feller who's into a lot of newish indie/post-hardcore/emo/whatever. I made this for him as his proto-post-hardcore indoctrination... Kind of a prim …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Made this one for a "Secret Santa"-esque mix trade-off...fairly decent, I think. Side Two never quite recovers from its "here's the old school section!" -section, but that doesn't bother me too much. U …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
So, uh, yeah. The last time I posted a mix, I went on and on about how my mixes for the past couple years have been progressively disappointing me more and more, and how they've been pretty narrow in t …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Okay, this is it. After this, it's all over, really. For a while now, I've had the sinking notion that my recent mixes were crappy variations on the same theme, that I was one-trick pony, that these mi …
CD | Mixed Genre
So there I was, temping at the real estate tax research company, when I walked by this coworker's desk and saw that she was listening to Joni Mitchell's "Blue." So, of course, I had to stop and chit ch …
CD | Mixed Genre
One night, I got drunk and wrote "Doo Dat Soopah!" in the snow on the roof of my girlfriend's car (with my finger, get your minds out of the gutter, people). I have no idea what it meant then, nor now. …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Once, about a year and a half ago, I got drunk and kissed a girl. Even though she lived 6 hours away, we traded phone numbers and emails. She called me, and I made her this mix tape. And now we live to …
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
So I used to be in a band with this guy, and we were pretty good. You know, we rocked the kids, and the kids liked the rocking. Anyway, I hadn't talked to the guy in about five years, and we get a hold …
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