
Member Since: 1/2/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 8

*julie1's Mixes

*julie1's Favorite Mixes

*julie1's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
a mix I've been saying I'll put together for months of my favourite Bouncing Souls songs. This band has been a huge influence on me, and was the first punk band I ever really heard and fell head-over-h …
CD | Mixed Genre
honestly, i haven't made a real mix in ages, and i find it rather amusing that when i was finally inspired by this boy i met who completely fascinates me and was so terribly nice only to never call me  …
CD | Mixed Genre
i made this one for my friend jaclyn, an incredibly sweet girl and one of the most fantastic writers i've ever had the pleasure of reading. and in whose troubles, i see myself from a few years back. i  …
CD | Mixed Genre
it's kind of a half-mix, I guess. I promised my friend I would make a copy of Matt Caplan's album for her, and then decided that seven songs was way too short and threw some other stuff on at the end.  …
CD | Mixed Genre
mix I made for my girl heathyr. my favourite track as of right now is probably the trauma queens' "the tears i cry," even if it is about committing suicide because your woman left you. heh.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
"therapy mix" regarding this screwed-up 'relationship' I had once. it's a long story, but has been tearing me up for a while and i guess i sort of unleashed my often inexplicable and even more often co …
CD | Mixed Genre
a lot of sort of "standard issue" mix CD songs on this one, but what can I say? they all remind me of this really cute Georgia boy I know who plays a mean acoustic guitar and likes some damn good music …
CD | Mixed Genre
something dance-and-sing-able made for the bestest friend in the whole wide world, my lovely jock band-geek frat-brother punk-rocker skankin' sxe soul sista Holly. rock on, my child.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
My boyfriend made this tape for our six-month anniversary. He forgot to give me the "explanation" sheet, so I'm guessing at some of the artists because the tape only lists the song titles. :p A lot of  …
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