trevor reese

Member Since: 1/26/2000
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 4

cats want you DEAD!!

trevor reese's Mixes

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trevor reese's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
i was talking to a guy about if the new sonic youth album would be any good. He hadn't heard their last one "NYC ghosts & flowers" so i told him i'd make him a copy. So i just put the album on one side …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
found this tape that i made a while back, made it for my girlfriend to relax to while taking a bubble bath, hence the title
Cassette | Mixed Genre
umm... just another mix for someone. I like trying to make transitions smooth with peaks and valleys, i try to even continue a mood or level of excitement to the other side. I don't like abrupt or awkw …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this is another tape i found in the same bag as the one i submitted before it. it is addresses to the same person and was made in early 1996. This one has an alternate title on the inside entitled "wil …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I found this mix when I working at a donation site for a thrift store. It was kind of sad to see something that meant so much to someone just tossed in a bag and given away, at least they didn't throw  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a christmas present for my girlfriend, it was hard to make because our music is combined, i picked some stuff i knew she would like and songs on albums she wasn't familiar with. i think i succeded in m …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made this mix for my boss at work a couple of months ago because we had talked about playing acoustic guitar so i put mainly songs i like that are acoustic guitar based, i felt like punching him after  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
did this one the other day for a friend, we live in different cities now but still get to see each other every once in awhile. this one was hard but i think i made her an enjoyable tape of bands she's  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This mix is for when you want to rock out, pop this in and the party will be movin' and groovin' all night long.