
Member Since: 1/25/2003
Total Mixes: 29
Total Feedback: 144

reverbe's Mixes

reverbe's Favorite Mixes

reverbe's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
Total time - 1:19:58 Woo! 1) A Beatlesque song 2) A song with handclaps 3) A song with "sun" in the title 4) An instrumental 5) A cover you liked better than the original 6) An old song you heard for t …
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm a bad, bad, deadbeat AOTM monkey. This mix is deceptively short. The actual mix contains the entirety of Mike O'Neill's internet-only album -- The Owl -- at the start. There was a lot of room left  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Two evil things have happened recently. The first is the procurement of a DVD player, which now makes trips to the CD store PENULTIMATELY EVIL. The second is that I've been faced with quite a few life- …
CD | Mixed Genre
Tweaked version of a CD submitted to a friend. I made him a mix to accompany his daily bus ride to the local university. Tried to throw in some sunny bus songs as well as rainy bus songs to suit the te …
CD | Theme
It was very difficult choosing a category for this mix. There's a definite musical theme, though I'm hard pressed to put my finger on it. The title explains it best - these are songs that twinkle, shim …
CD | Theme - Narrative
We should start making herb-related horoscopes, we really should. This mix is one song off every album I bought this year in strict chronological order. (Unfortunately, about 7-8 tracks have to be omit …
CD | Theme
Made an autumn-themed mix for a friend today. Some of the songs mention fall directly but for the most part, they just seem fall-ish: sunny and frosty at the same time.
CD | Single Artist
I meant to do this a long time ago to commemorate the Spfz reunion. I'm currently holding my breath until all the other defunct bands I ever liked get back together and record a new album. It could hap …
CD | Mixed Genre
Farbeit for me to bemoan the construction of the new MRI wing on the hospital across the street, but the construction -- which begins promptly at 7:45 every morning -- has been going on for a year and  …
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