Media Vixen: Radio Sally

Member Since: 2/3/2003
Total Mixes: 110
Total Feedback: 1667

Media Vixen: Radio Sally's Mixes

Media Vixen: Radio Sally's Favorite Mixes

Media Vixen: Radio Sally's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
November 1 - 2, 1996 This was made as an antidote to Halloween, on All Saints Day. I ended up with a very New Orleans feel that make tres Mardi-Gras ... good for all kinds of occasions. I had a hell of …
CD | Theme - Romantic
Friends getting married this summer wanted to do a book with thoughts on love and marriage. I gave them this as my contribution.
CD | Theme
This is the first in another series (I think I am up to four ...)
CD | Theme
Another quirky subject, but it is funny what you can find. One of three volumes, so far.
CD | Theme
I think I am up to four volumes of dreamsongs by now ... here's where I started.
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
After the artist, I have listed the disc or record in parentheses. And after the song, the songwriters. Just for those of us who are really crazy.
CD | Theme
There are so many strange little spirituals tucked in on records here and there, I thought it might be interesting to listen to them together. It works well. I've listed the artist, recording, title, s …
CD | Theme - Romantic
This is the first of several Valentine mixes, dating back to '94. The original version was on cassette with a full 45 minutes of FV on the first side. (The Saunders/Garcia took up about 20 minutes, but …
CD | Mixed Genre
From December, 1996. Just making a mix on a cold Saturday morning while somene just kept on talking and talking ...