Norton Zenger

Member Since: 2/13/2003
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 7

Norton Zenger's Mixes

Norton Zenger's Favorite Mixes

Norton Zenger's Mixes

CD | Theme - Romantic
I'm going on a date Tuesday. I haven't been on a date in a long time. I hope she likes me and I like her despite the fact that everything that could possibly have gone wrong over the last month has gon …
CD | Mixed Genre
My first mix in the series made for someone else, so I tried to cut a little back on the weird stuff. Obviously, I didn't _entirely_ succeed. The title comes from the fact that I was going to put a sin …
CD | Single Artist
CD | Single Artist
Just another mix of various bootleg/B-sides/etc. Radiohead stuff I couldn't fit elsewhere. This is about my fifth custom mix CD of Radiohead snippets, and probably seems totally haphazard and random to …
CD | Mixed Genre
I'm probably a little bit trendy for a mentally ill fat guy. Try not to hold it against me. Anyway, let's see. It took me a while to put this together, due to a surfeit of usable material. The title is …
CD | Mixed Genre
This one I king of like. The This Heat track is from an old live tape I have, and I don't think it's on either of their albums. The Tortoise track is the middle bit from "Cliff Dweller Society". Helter …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is kind of an oddball mix, throwing together some longer tracks I like but couldn't slot in to other mixes along with the little weird in-between bits of really ancient mixes I made back in 1992 o …