
Member Since: 4/7/2003
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 0

jenm's Mixes

jenm's Favorite Mixes

jenm's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
My first mix tape, completed 5/94. A cute little frosh-y alternapop thing, complete with the oh-so-whimsical "o'" in the title, compiled from my tapes and my roommates' CDs. Not much meaning to the son …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
3/30/97 to 7/19/97. The title comes from the Red Dwarf theme song - we got a lot of RD out of the library that year. Too much artist repetition. Mostly pirated; source in parens. Side 1: 1. That year,  …
CD | Theme - Narrative
Part clean-the-computer mix, part story of the year I was 27. A friend once dubbed 27 "the dangerous year," partly because so many rock stars have died then. Lots of songs about drugs, stagnation, and  …
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