
Member Since: 4/10/2003
Total Mixes: 92
Total Feedback: 2259

Siobhan's Mixes

Siobhan's Favorite Mixes

Siobhan's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
This one's going in the package for my most excellent friend who has found herself in Glasgow - without doubt a city of music lovers. It's kind of a welcome gesture. Oh, and she also wanted to hear wha …
Cassette | Single Artist
2 CDs - my first in a while and guess what? It's a Smiths mix! Because I've never done that before...This is for my friend who has recently been transplanted from Kansas to Glasgow, and said that she'd …
CD | Mixed Genre
For my friend's birthday - we used to share the world's best flat, in which we listened to lots of Goldfrapp while drinking tea, and threw dictionaries on the floor to try to get the guy with the guita …
CD | Theme
Another all-acoustic mix, including loads of songs which I've just been waiting to put on a mix for ages! The title's from the Josh Ritter track - I've never been a big fan, but "Wings" really surprise …
CD | Theme
A mix about rhythm, and containing a variety of artists whose approach to rhythm ranges from using strict, metronome-like beats to sheer improvisation. I've also thrown in a couple of commonly known rh …
CD | Theme
This one's for Claude - I'm really looking forward to hearing his mix of Swiss folk music, and in return, he asked for an indie-flavoured disc; I really hope he enjoys this one!Before making this, I wa …
CD | Mixed Genre
Aaaaand...let's mix up the genres one more time. Odd as it may sound, some people, whether I know them well or not, strike me as great "mix candidates" - I sometimes wonder what sort of mixes I'd make  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Another mixed-genre effort, which was among some made for friends recently.
CD | Mixed Genre
A simple mixed-genre mix for a friend, with lots of familiar, singalong stuff - "Teenage Kicks" was by request. Title courtesy of Momus.
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