
Member Since: 4/26/2003
Total Mixes: 32
Total Feedback: 40

thankheaven's Mixes

thankheaven's Favorite Mixes

thankheaven's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
this is me and hollee's broken-hearted "we hate guys" mix...we'll jam to this in my car and sing along like whoa. at stoplights. really loud.
CD | Theme
1. opening credits 2. waking up 3. average day 4. walking down the street 5. best friend 6. first date 7. falling in love 8. love scene 9. making love scene 10. fight with friend 11. break up 12. get b …
CD | Theme - Break Up
that's right. another breakup mix from me...not every song on here is actually about lost love, but still, they all either sound sad or make you feel like "wow, i can move on." i'm trying to move on an …
CD | Mixed Genre
ok this is from a song survey i got that was like "3 songs that make me happy, sad, dance, think of myself, think of love, etc." so yeah. if you want the list go to my journal--it's
CD | Mixed Genre
ha, no, no one really wrote my number up on a bathroom stall. but. i couldn't come up with a name and jenny is on here so i figured i'd somehow pay homage to that song. anyway though. i like this. it's …
CD | Theme
my interpretation/version of a "christmas album" the beginning it's that whole "christmastime sucks because i have no one to share it with" type of feeling. i figured linkin park's "my december" w …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
while i realize that incubus, blink 182, and foo fighters seemed obvious, the words are amazing. this is how i've felt lately, and i promised my friend rocky i'd make a mix all about missing him (cuz i …
CD | Mixed Genre
to me this mix sounds like something you hear on a movie whenever people just finished fucking (or are in the process of it) and it's one of those scenes that is sexy but makes you lonely at the same t …
CD | Theme
ooooo my turn! 1. A song from the last record you bought. 2. A blues: not necessarily a blues record but a song that's labelled (something) blues 3. A song that gets you going in the morning 4. A song  …
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