
Member Since: 4/29/2003
Total Mixes: 3
Total Feedback: 8

311 Official Site http://www.311music.com

Waltman's Mixes

Waltman's Favorite Mixes

Waltman's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Ahhh... another mix tape in the making for me. I'm almost done with this one, and can't wait to pop it in my car. There is just something so totally awesome and fun about making a mix tape. I dunno, it …
CD | Theme
Yeah... not all the songs are from the same time period, but hey, I like it. And does anyone know who sings "Please Mr. Postman"?
Cassette | Single Artist
The other side of this tape is a DC Mix, but the 311 mix is my favorite.