LR Confidential

Member Since: 5/5/2003
Total Mixes: 6
Total Feedback: 2

LR Confidential's Mixes

LR Confidential's Favorite Mixes

LR Confidential's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Theme
I'm currently living in the Dominican Republic, and these are the songs that are heard CONSTANTLY - either issuing from the bar across the street, which donated its name to this mix, or from hTV - Domi …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mostly mellow, mostly classic rock - for driving at night. The Pearl Jam Untitled track is off their "Live on Two Legs" album.
CD | Theme - Road Trip
A drinking/driving (but not both at the same time) mix for a road trip to Minnesota. My friends have an almost pathological love of songs that are so bad you can't help but enjoy them. And, there's no  …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is the second CD of a work-in-progress that I'd love some help with - on both discs. This CD is meant to be of the driving sort, while the other is more relaxed, chilling at night stuff. Please of …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is part of a 2-CD gift I'm looking to give a good friend - and I need some help. There are probably too many songs here, so I need help with deletions, but also with additions. This CD is intended …
CD | Mixed Genre
This was a mix I made the night before a girlfriend/friend left for a semester abroad in London. The Great Escape tune is often attributed to Dave Matthews Band, but it ain't their tune - not sure who  …