DJ Palindrome

Member Since: 6/11/2000
Total Mixes: 114
Total Feedback: 185

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Favorite Mixes

DJ Palindrome's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
My first single artist mix for my friend Jason who has accompanied me to three Wilco shows, yet he owns none of the band's music. When we saw Wilco after Thanksgiving, Lincoln Park bandits towed his ca …
Cassette | Pop
Technical difficulties caused me to post this like five times; sorry. Side A = Nothing Came...Nothing Never Happens. Side B = Amen...Thank You Jesus, Thank You Lord. For DJ Usurp. Just want to clear up …
Cassette | Pop
One of the sappiest, heart-on-sleeviest, moodiest tapes I've the sense. But, it has irony, some silliness, and "Something," so I like it. For Kristin.
Cassette | Pop
My tape deck has been broken since the end of September. I made this 60-minute tape on a crappy boombox with one functional speaker. The title is a play off the original title of "Fog." Radiohead's ori …
Cassette | Pop
For E.T. She's been through a lot.
Cassette | Pop
This tape makes no sense. I haven't listened to "Presence" by Led Zeppelin for years. For Kristin (she has a t-shirt for Floyd's Barber Shop). The title--except for the red part--is from a brochure abo …
Cassette | Pop
I am particularly proud of the flow and feel of Side B, especially from the Moby song to Pearl Jam's "Release." For Kristin.
Cassette | Pop
All songs recorded from my small collection of hand-me-down and second-hand LPs and free promo 45s. The Uncle Tupelo "Still Feel Gone/March 16-20, 1992" two-LP set on Rockville Records is the only set  …
Cassette | Pop
A bit of "classic rock" for DJ Usurp.
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