
Member Since: 1/9/2004
Total Mixes: 214
Total Feedback: 5781


hemizen's Mixes

hemizen's Favorite Mixes

hemizen's Mixes

CD | Theme
It's Mike's Birthday. Mike likes babes, booze and bullets (and the Simpsons). Mike's cool. Mike gets want he wants.
CD | Theme
The title comes from an "inside joke" with a friend of mine. This mix turns on the incredible Tom Waits tune. Why "I hope I don't fall in love with you, I hope you don't fall in love with me, I think I …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
The title explains it all. This mix should get me to the airport-I don't care if it gets me back. The Waits tune is for Tom, The Beatles tune for Lisa, The Seager tune for Marcia and the Dylan tune is  …
CD | Mixed Genre
Songs that are rattling around my head like a loose cannon. I'm feeling a 70's mix coming out of this stuff. Also props to X-Angel who's influence is present here.
CD | Mixed Genre
I've got the questions (the odd number songs) and Mahdishain has the answers (the even numbers songs). This is a turn around reply to the game Mahdishain started. Its FUN.
CD | Theme
The evolution of a mix. I wanted to make a mix featuring two classic American songs, This Land Is You Land and Old Man River. No matter what style(s) of music you like, these two songs have passed the  …
CD | Theme - Road Trip
No rhyme or reason to this mix. I'm going across state to Kurt's 50th birthday party, so I went to my short list rotation (songs I've been listening to a lot) and threw this together. Some of these son …
CD | Mixed Genre
Sorting through my "stuff" I found these songs that coulda, shoulda, woulda been on a mix but aren't-til now. Justice prevails. There are a lot more tunes buried where I found these. Until then, peace.
CD | Blues
I went to the Grand Rapids Art Museum to see Visualizing the Blues:Images of the American South, 1862-1999. One of the exhibitions was by Jon McDonald: The Blues. I have met Jon a couple of times over  …