g.a.b. l@bs

Member Since: 8/7/2000
Total Mixes: 197
Total Feedback: 2458

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g.a.b. l@bs's Mixes

g.a.b. l@bs's Favorite Mixes

g.a.b. l@bs's Mixes

CD | Electronic - Ambient
79:11 (one for humpday) Fractal/Spatial ambient atmospheres, drones & aural metrics, stemming primarily from new "stuff" received over Christmas; best enjoyed via ear-buds.
CD | Electronic - Ambient
78:53 Minimalist ambient & found-sound structures/compositions...for frost-streaked winter evenings (but not necessarily beside the fireplace). The recent turn of frigid weather made it the right time  …
CD | Electronic
77:20 This one's been on my "refurbish" list for a while now. So yesterday, between being overly stuffed from our Thanksgiving feast, sleeping in & watching TV & video games all day with the kids, I st …
CD | Microsound
77:11 Microsound (ambient sub-genre). Coarser, grittier, molecular structures and sound fragments with tinges of melody interspersed or set to a pattern representing a beat. It can incorporate found s …
CD | Pop
76:51("Can't this go any faster?") This one's just for fun. I wanted another mix for Nordic Track season...so, while we were moving my LP/CD collection into a newly built closet last weeken …
CD | Classical
75:47 .Are you still reading this whited out secret text? You must really be an html GEEK! One for early Sunday A.M.'s: real vs. synthetic. Still soft & blurry...but with classical, avant-garde & ambie …
CD | Electronic - Ambient
75:40 Soft, blurry ambient & ambient dub pieces...best via headphones. Part one of what has grown into a 2 part mix; the deuce, on the drawing board now, will fuse 3 genres, 2 of which are not a …
CD | Electronic
76:59 Aerobic Audiological Tool/Aural Antioxidant (l@bs hyperbaric, extended endorphin-rush, dance mashup). Winter in the offing means an eventual move to indoor Nordic Tracking (vs. outdoor running) o …
CD | Jazz
77:18 An All-Vinyl 'elements' edition that starts off slowly with a few solo piano numbers, then branches out into trios, quartets, big bands and a few Dixieland ditties to close out the mix. The 3 liv …
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