
Member Since: 8/9/2000
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 0

www.jamesmulry.com http://www.jamesmulry.com

jstacher's Mixes

jstacher's Favorite Mixes

jstacher's Mixes

CD | Dance - House
a submission for the Metafilter Mix Swap of 2010. A bunch of silly songs that I like to dance to. Can be found here - http://drop.io/mefimixzip.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
listen here: this was my submission for the Article Magazine March issue - 4 30min mixes on 2 1hr cassettes, along with cassette sized artwork submissions. http://articlesarticle.com
Cassette | Mixed Genre
i have about 300 commercial commercial tapes of awful early 90s artists. now whenever i am practicing mixing in my room i record it on a prerecorded tape to see what worked and what didnt. if i ever di …
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
a jam session on two turntables. we were getting ready for our huge loft party DISCO UTOPIA, feb 7th 2004 at the Chicken Hut, Bed-Stuy Brooklyn. this is a continuous mixed cd - as in matched beats - an …
CD | Theme
part of birthday presents for two friends. each song on the mix was the song that i had to set to "1REPEAT" on my discman while working in studio -because every song is just that good.
CD | Mixed Genre
the going away present for risd precollege 2001. 30 copies made at first pressing. i threw it together in about 5 minutes, not paying attention to transition or beat matching. all tracks pulled from th …
CD | Mixed Genre
this was a party favor that i made at 2 in the morning of my 17th birthday. i figured it was a nice gesture, and that everyone could go home happy with the knowledge that there would be selected songs  …