
Member Since: 8/31/2000
Total Mixes: 60
Total Feedback: 10

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kingnoahno's Mixes

kingnoahno's Favorite Mixes

kingnoahno's Mixes

CD | Pop
June '04: And now, we've reached 40, 40 entries in my eclectic musical-diary series, 14 years after I made the first. This one has a lot of the newer/newish artists I've gotten into. Am I maturing? Who …
CD | Pop
April '04: A low point in my days, hence the title. Trying to pick up on some new music here, with plenty of the old standbys thrown in. CDs and iTunes make this whole mix-making business considerably  …
CD | Mixed Genre
September '03: I used to think I knew a lot about music. This is a mix for a friend who knows much more than me.
CD | Mixed Genre
September '03: After a year and a half, I continue my mix series, now on CD. I miss the cassette format, but progress marches on.
CD | Theme - Depression
August 2002: Some of the saddest songs I know. There are times when it's good to wallow in misery.
CD | Pop
June 2002: I can't believe AOTM doesn't list "New Wave" as a genre.... My very first CD mix, made in honor of my upcoming college reunion, during which I will be reviving my new wave/classic punk radio …
Cassette | Pop
April 2002: Your mix tape diary has expanded to 37 volumes and 12 years. You're 26 years old. Time's up.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
November 2001: My mix-tape diary continues. The title of this one is particularly apt, as 2001 has been just the pits. And while mix #35- which I made last May - seems very depressed, this one just see …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
November 2001: My sister and her husband moved to San Francisco a couple months ago. Last week, my sister visited NYC again and complained that most of their CDs weren't unpacked yet, and they were get …
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