Fletcher Kane12

Member Since: 9/5/2000
Total Mixes: 9
Total Feedback: 5

Fletcher Kane12's Mixes

Fletcher Kane12's Favorite Mixes

Fletcher Kane12's Last Three Mixes Posted

Cassette | Mixed Genre
A mix I did for one of my net/MSN friends. She has a zine - I gave her this 120-minute tape, she sent me the two issues she's done so far. Nothing particularly obscure or cool here, but I like all thes …
Cassette | Single Artist
A DK's mix that I made for a friend who'd never heard of them before. I decided to go non-chronologically and include at least one track from all their releases, except the new live album. Jello Biafra …
Cassette | Theme - Narrative
Who is Sarah Holcomb? She was an actress. She was gorgeous. If she's remembered for anything, it's probably for her roles in the films "National Lampoon's Animal House" and "Caddyshack." The latter was …

Fletcher Kane12's Last Three Favorite Mixes

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