
Member Since: 10/1/2000
Total Mixes: 99
Total Feedback: 135

pessimystica's Mixes

pessimystica's Favorite Mixes

pessimystica's Mixes

CD | Dance - House
this mix kix ass, as far as I'm soon as I was set on what songs to use, I couldn't wait to put em in an order that like & blast it in my truck...lotsa good loud moody driving tunes :)
CD | Pop
A mix of all sorts of 80s-ish stuff...some familiar radio tunes, some others that weren't ever heard on radio that I just felt like throwing in...& a couple didn't come out til '90 or so, but they're 8 …
CD | Dance - House
Just having more fun with my cd burner, & this is the 3rd disc of my 80's dance volume...a few new downloads (some I had heard in clubs before & others never before), plus some old faves w/ extended mi …
CD | Electronic - Industrial
I mixed the order around a bit, I just don't remember how I did it...but I had gotten random Skinny Puppy mp3's last year from random chat suggestions, & finally had enuff to put all onto a cd...I'm no …
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
These were actually all on the same 80's videotape that I had parents had mtv2 a couple years ago, & I taped endlessly cuz I knew they wouldn't have it forever, & made an 80's theme cuz I wa …
CD | Dance - House
With only 12 songs, these long mixes fill up this 75 minute disc fast. Good to dance to... of course they are, I heard most of them in clubs!! & I luuuuuv driving to as well.
Mini-Disc | Mixed Genre
Well, for the most part, just about all these bands are Brit, cept for an Aussie & American, & maybe another I'm not sure about...but either way, they all have that dreamy Brit Rock sound that I luv so …
Mini-Disc | Pop
This was 1 of the 1st mini discs I made period, & I was forced to use some of my favorites so that I could delete the mp3's & clear up disc space...but since then I've gotten a bigger hard drive :) but …
CD | Dance - House
This was the 1st dance disc I made, based on songs I've heard NUMEROUS times at clubs... particularly the Houston club #'s (email me if you were or still am a junkie!!). This is only 1 of several dance …
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