
Member Since: 10/1/2000
Total Mixes: 99
Total Feedback: 135

pessimystica's Mixes

pessimystica's Favorite Mixes

pessimystica's Mixes

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
Just a continuation of the first set of high school songs... though you can see with the latter 2 years (excluding the first 2 from junior high), my tastes were changing, & yearning for the not-so-over …
MP3 Playlist | Pop
This list compiles some junior high & early high school favorites, & the rest I heard little by little during the 90's. No, this doesn't represent all the "rock" of 1990, but mainly the alternative/mod …
CD | Theme
As diverse as these bands are (which are mostly bands I've liked for years), this compilation wasn't too hard to put together through a common theme... And since summer's now here in full force, especi …
CD | Electronic - Industrial
Just the 5th cd of this dance volume I've created
CD | Hip Hop/Rap
Before rap went on a steep decline after about '95 or so...what happened to good melodic fun rap?? I miss it!! We need more fun danceable tunes like these. Only ones missing here are Beastie Boys & Cyp …
CD | Mixed Genre
This is a true compilation thrown together for my bandmates, which includes some songs & bands I've listened to a LOT the past few months, as well as a few favorites from a year or so ago. A lot of syn …
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
This is a long list of songs from when I was in high school... hey, if you recognize them & know what year they were from, then you can guess when I was in high school :P As you can see, I was a bit co …
CD | Theme
This was made for a high schooler, who is into vampire role-playing games. I said could make her a disc full of songs with "dark" themes, death, & of course, vampires. I tried to make sure nothing was  …
MP3 Playlist | Pop
These are from some bass tabs I have on my website that are fun to play on bass guitar. They're in somewhat of an order, with the 80's tracks first, & the 90's next, so it's a bit diverse. You can get  …