
Member Since: 1/17/2001
Total Mixes: 163
Total Feedback: 612

Fundak's Mixes

Fundak's Favorite Mixes

Fundak's Last Three Mixes Posted

CD | Mixed Genre
volume 29. i have one last pile of CDs to get through and i'll be done. looks like this baby is gonna run 31 volumes but then i gotta figure out what to do about the various artist comps. any suggestio …
CD | Mixed Genre
volume 28. i sit with a pile of "W" cds before me, and the finish line is near. 29 volumes burned, 28 posted and #30 to be sequenced. i will make it through to the end.
CD | Mixed Genre
volume 27. yes sean, i believe you're right. it's time for a television personalities single artist mix.

Fundak's Last Three Favorite Mixes

by Moe
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Ion Moe has done it again. His hard work has paid off and there are now 30 artists who will show up when you do a search for them on AotM...
CD | Theme - Narrative
in my estimation, pam steele is one of the up and coming members of our little community--this mix of hers examines the double standard that exists in male/female sexual relations. structured in the na …
CD | Mixed Genre
a brilliant concept mix that postulates the sorts of mixes that would have been made c. 1937. i'm just having a hard time imagining the people throwing down the tracks to wax cylinder to trade with the …

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