
Member Since: 1/17/2002
Total Mixes: 36
Total Feedback: 73

Other Mixes By Dalillamma

MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Mixed Genre
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Alternating DJ
MP3 Playlist | Theme - Narrative

My Morning Frankenmix

Artist Song
The Knitters  Poor Little Critter On the Road 
Johnny Cash  Folsom Prison Blues (Live) 
Los Lobos  Good Morning Aztlan 
John Lennon  Love 
Petula Clark  Downtown 
Nina Simone  Sinnerman (Stereo Version) 
The Beatles  A Day In The Life 
Linkin Park  In The End 
Will Kimbrough  Goodnight Moon 
Tenacious D  Tribute 
Old 97's  El Paso 
Lynryd Skynyrd  Freebird 
Madonna  Ray Of Light (Album Version) 
James Brown  Super Bad 
Radiohead  Let Down 
Rolling Stones  Can't You Hear Me Knocking 
Arctic Monkeys  I Bet You Look Good On the Dancefloor 
Jimi Hendrix  Room Full Of Mirrors 
Elvis Presley  Suspicious Minds 
Wilco  Handshake Drugs 


Couldn't sleep after our 2 year old climbed in bed with us so I woke up and was checking out the site and decided to try Noiseboy's Frankenmix. It was my first time and I'm a little afraid to listen to this monster. Here's the rules:
1. A song from the last record you bought
2. A blues: not a necessarily a blues record but a song that is labelled (something) blues
3. A song that gets you going in the morning
4. A song that you think is romantic
5. One of the earliest records that you can remember listening to.
6. A song that you discovered from a film
7. A song from your favourite band / artist
8. A song from an artist band that you otherwise don't like, but like this one
9. A Lullaby.
10. A song that makes you laugh / you find funny
11. A really good cover version
12. A song that reminds you of school days
13. A song from an artist that you are embarrassed to admit you like
14. Whatever it is, it's got to be funky
15. A song for those quiet rainy days
16. A song that no matter when you hear it makes you `Feelgood'
17. A song with the word `Look' in the title
18. From a member of the `Dead rockers society'
19. Your favourite Elvis song.
20. Wildcard - Hey, just put any song you like on!


Date: 2/4/2007
Always always always fun to peruse. The best way to see a person's interest in tuneage since the question "so what exactly is on your player at this moment?"
Date: 2/4/2007
yeah, always love a good Frankenfurter mix . . . . and this fits the bill. Funny, I've never actually done one myself, but yeah . . . . like this
Date: 2/6/2007
perfect song for those rainy days!!