Other Mixes By GambleOn
Mixed Genre
Mixed Genre
Theme - Narrative
Mixed Genre
Wasteland RGga
Well, Mr. Gray, I think there is a final plateau - the problem is, however, that it ain't pretty.Feedback:
Glorious, simply glorious.
Thank you for the download - just started listening. I'm tempted to agree with Curtis here, looks/sounds wonderful so far.
Awesome. Three cheers for Kemialliset YstSvSt!!!!
I'm having a heck of a time getting past the security clearance thing for the download. If and when I do I'll report back on what I'm sure will be an interesting mix, especially if vouched for by ofthaltned & Mr. Burns.
not really familiar with much here -- so it's to the download i go! thanks much
Y'know, it does have that Curtis look to it. Now we just need to decide which of those 6 locales to pick for vacation this summer.
Looks amazing.
Alex this is the fucking biz! Any chance of making more? I love your stuff and I will hound you until you become more prolific! I jest (well maybe not ;)) Still this is too good!
Yowza. Whoa. I'm steadying myself, then I'll be downloading...
I only knew 5, 6 and 9, which I like a lot. Gave the rest a listen and am amazed. Fantastic mix, good sir.
Sonically satisfying from beginning to end. I especially like the last third of the mix. Hope to hear more of your stuff soon.