Other Mixes By GambleOn
Mixed Genre
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Theme - Narrative
Mixed Genre
When logics die,The secret of the soil grows through the eye.
- Dylan Thomas, `Light breaks where no sun shines'
Love it. I'll take your advice and listen to it next I'm hiking in Connemara... maybe a dark forest walk for this one. Keep up the good work, I want more mixes from you, dude.
crikey ! this looks heavy duty ! Don't know it all . . . yet . . . but looks excellent. Thanks for the link.
This looks great, good sir. I'll be downloading this right now.
Beautiful. Great to have a mix from yourself on the board once again. A fine listen. I loved the Cornelius track I think (45.55), but enjoyed it from start to finish..
This looks great, Alex. I will download & burn...
Fennesz! Sunn O))) & Boris! Ikue Mori! Dylan Thomas! Lots of other stuff worthy of some exclamation marks! Looks most excellent, I'm looking forward to hearing this one.
Absolutely wonderful. Thanks for the download... will be listening to it tomorrow.
Wanted to let you know I'm looking forward to this in the very near future. Your mixes always amaze me. And fantastic cover! Your own creation? Reminds me of Sigmar Polke.
Yes, this is fantastic. The stereo in Pajaro is gorgeous. Looking forward to repeated listenings.
I've only just got around to this one but what an absolute star it is. If this is atavistic then bring on some more throwbacks!
I finally got around to listening to this. Amazing. It's almost impossible to tell where one composition ends and the next one starts. Truly a masterpiece. And so refreshingly different from everyday AotM mixes.