
Member Since: 10/4/2006
Total Mixes: 42
Total Feedback: 419

Receiving Telephone Messages From the Sky

Artist Song
Sir Richard Bishop  Gnostic Gem
Improvika, 2004  
Bridget St. John  City Crazy
Songs for a Gentle Man, 1971 
The Dead C  Suffer Bomb Damage
Harsh 70's Reality, 1992 
Hush Arbors  Broken Bones
Landscape of Bone, 2006 
Migala  El Gran MiTrcoles
La Increfble Aventura, 2004 
Savoy Grand  Glen A. Larson
Burn the Furniture, 2002 
William Elliott Whitmore  And Then the Rains Came
Song of the Blackbird, 2006 
Neil Young  For the Turnstiles
On the Beach, 1974 
Bardo Pond  Part 2: The Rebis
Adrop, 2006 
Current 93  Niemandswasser
Sleep Has His House, 2000 
Double Leopards  Druid Spectre
Halve Maen, 2003 
AMM  Later During a Flaming Riviera Sunset
AMMusic, 1966 
Wooden Wand and the Omen Bones Band  Candace, Queen of Witchcraft
Horus of the Horizon, 2006 
Ashtray Navigations  The Sweet Salamander
To Your Fucking Feather'd Wings, 2005 
The Phantom Carriage  Hello There
Late Comers, 2005 


Yet another folk/drone/"whatever, really" mix, because apparently, I haven't made enough of those already? The political propaganda contained in my previous efforts has inadvertently and much to my own concern been replaced by a weird spiritual bent, especially noticeable in the final 30 minutes or so, which contains druids, witches, Friends-watching ghosts and David Tibet's apocalyptic phantasies. Fitting title for this mess provided by Wooden Wand.

The background is that I promised a friend to send him a copy of the Mouthus album released last year as part of the Modern Containment series, and figured that while I was already sending him stuff, I might as well include an unsolicited mix built around a few other tracks from the same series. Since the 40- to 70-minute single tracks that make up most of these releases aren't all that suitable for mix-making, it ended up just being three songs from the series - the Hush Arbors, Bardo Pond (which is, in fact, a single-track release, but one consisting of three distinguishable parts) and Wooden Wand ones. Everything else is just stuff that seemed to go well with it, and which I hope he'll enjoy. I actually heard two of these songs (Niemandswasser and Broken Bones) performed live the very same day that I sent this off the other week, which was certainly very neat.


Rob Conroy
Date: 5/5/2007
This is tremendous and it features my absolute favorite Wooden Wand track.
Date: 5/5/2007
Just fucking great. Love the Bishop through Dead C opening especially. And, of course, the Bardo Pond. Ooh, and the Double Leopards -> AMM -> Wood Wand...Current 93...Hush Arbors...Whitmore...Grand...Migala...young...phantom carriage...ashtray navigations...
Date: 5/5/2007
Well Alex, you and Curtis have left me in the woods, but I do note that Neil Young is pretty cool.
Date: 5/5/2007
I enjoyed this immensely. Beautiful opening trio. Neil Young, Bardo Pond, Wooden Wand, all great. Great closer also, I must check out more from The Phantom Carriage..
Date: 5/5/2007
Curtis is correct, this is f**king great Alex.
Date: 5/6/2007
Thank you for letting me peak into some groups/songs I've never heard. Love the instrumental of Sir Richard Bishop, Neil Young superb, and great finish with The Phantom Carriage. Nice flow.
Date: 5/6/2007
excellent stuff . . . .Bridget and Neil do it for me (maybe I'm getting old ?) . . . but I've been enjoying the Phantom Carriage of late too . . . nice !
Date: 5/6/2007
Really, really fantastic - #8 is a personal favorite - I'm a big sucker for On the Beach. Kudos.
anthony lombardi
Date: 5/6/2007
i'm with 12vman on the neil young track -- looks great, alex, i'll try & check out the full thing soon
Date: 5/8/2007
I gave this a listen to a couple of days back and almost forgot to leave a comment! Anyway, outstanding mix. 8 to 11 is fucking amazing.
DJ Karen Adams
Date: 5/10/2007
Better than Top notch!
Date: 5/11/2007
this was the perfect atmospheric treat for a lazy, sunny Friday afternoon at work. loved the song playing at the 21 min mark (Hush Arbors?) and that incredible Wooden Wand and the Omen Bones Band song. thanks for sharing this stuff, other Alex.
Date: 5/16/2007
will whitmore & the dead c on the same mix = pure genius. actually, your mixes as a whole look consistently awesome!
Date: 7/26/2007
wow, just stumbled across this again on my hard drive. What a great mix ! Thanks.