Other Mixes By DJ Karen Adams
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Adventures of DJ Karen Adams v.5
Click here to begin adventure!Acknowledgements and most respect to: sammyg123,musicgnome,Jenergy,tornadoZ,hemizen,moe,p the swede,blasikin,PapaMaceo1,Sister ZoT Jarvis,Curtis_Burns,Mixxer,Joey De Vivre,French Connection,Anthony Lombardi,lanhamyodel,Mark Petruccelli,Skipper Bartlett,doowad, and the AoTM collective!
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receivingthe included information for entertainment and educational purposes adventures of dj karen adams v.5 © 2008 GirlSPIN Media ® all rights reserved carpe aestus
Props on Mlle Farmer.
Jimmy Castor Bunch! My head is spinning! All I can think about is the Bertha Butt Boogie! "Potential" is great! I love the lead in. Those little bastards!
Another hip adventure.
The Billie Holiday track melted the ice water in veins and presented me with a conscious.
killer opening one-two punch, & i love the sly stone & talib kweli tracks a bunch (in fact, the latter is possibly my all-time favorite hip-hop song...)
If You Want Me To Stay, top tune.
Most listened/downloaded adventure in the series, so far, with 369 Downloads...and counting. Ta!!!
Come to think of it, it's the most downloaded in such a short period of time too. All this in just two days?!?
[cue music]
I would like to thank the Academy...
[cue music]
I would like to thank the Academy...
Congratulations! I was one of the 369 - and you had my vote. Pricne, Billie, Sly, Parliament.. Great stuff.
This mix is both awesome and certifiably guaranteed to result in a smile-rest. A wonderful trip down memory lane.
Worth the price of admission for the Parliament track alone.
cool stuff, Karen. I got beat up in the office today when I admitted my love for that Al B. Sure song, also liked the Paul Nero and that bit about how babies are made. an adventure, indeed!
I find it absolutely incredible that you feel the need to refresh your divshare page to give a distorted view of your popularity. Karen, I'm sorry but that is an insult to everyone else here. Go comment on a mix or two huh? Without linking it back to your own fantastic achievements. Community? Hello??? I feel a bit sick...
If I make a mix I love and get no comments I'll take it on the chin but it's mine and it's honest.
If I make a mix I love and get no comments I'll take it on the chin but it's mine and it's honest.
Refresh my divshare page? I wish I had enough time to comment on more mixes but I barely have enough time to post my own mixes as I work nearly 80hrs/week. Linking back could be seen as suspect and I will limit that practise. Barrydali, I would not and did not refresh my divshare to distort my popularity or for any other reason. I actually enjoy music...all genres. Does that not shine through?!?? Plus, you could run a script to see who downloaded what and how many times if you really are that concerned/insulted.
Sigh...I feel a bit sick too.
By the way, I am rarely happy with my own mixes and I would hardly consider them achievements let alone fantastic.
I still feel sick
I still feel sick
I'm glad you replied and this is not a witchunt but if you think that you get as many customers as Sam,Rob,Gnome,Salman,George,Ed,Rob, Curtis, Tz or Blasi or yes maybe me then you are mistaken. Show some respect please huh?
I don't need a script to know that your mix has not been downloaded nearly 900 times. Disingenuity is my pet hate, you've got it in spades.
LOVE IT!!! And track 14 is my political/life/everything philosophy.
Thanks doowad!