lux lisbon12

Member Since: 7/20/2000
Total Mixes: 12
Total Feedback: 9

all wrapped up and sugar coated

Side A
Artist Song
radiohead  prove yourself [pablo honey] 
radiohead  i might be wrong [amnesiac] 
radiohead  nice dream [the bends] 
radiohead  electioneering [o.k. computer] 
radiohead  optimistic [kid a] 
radiohead  climbing up walls [o.k. computer] 
radiohead  just [the bends] 
radiohead  blow out [pablo honey] 
radiohead  bullet proof ... i wish i was [the bends] 
radiohead  knives out [amnesiac] 
radiohead   let down [o.k. computer] 
Side B
radiohead  in limbo [kid a] 
radiohead  street spirit /fade out/ [the bends] 
radiohead  lurgee [pablo honey] 
radiohead  idioteque [kid a] 
radiohead  pyramid song [amnesiac] 
radiohead  black star [the bends] 
radiohead  thinking about you [pablo honey] 
radiohead  paranoid android [o.k. computer] 
radiohead  how to disappear completely [kid a] 
radiohead   no surprises [o.k. computer] 
radiohead  creep [pablo honey] 


this is a tour of radiohead's five full-length albums. thom yorke's drone and the monotone of all my favorites. the title comes from "blow out" and these songs are my favorites. i didn't include "karma police," does that piss you off? and i didn't put "fake plastic trees," the blasphemy? the tape now resides in my car and in an envelope that is being sent to my wonderful sienna on her twenty-first. i hope she enjoys it, she was the one talking me into going to see them in chicago ... but finances own the battle. so i felt she deserved a copy of my love.


Date: 6/18/2001
fake plastic trees is boring as hell. i'm with you... and i fucking love... LOVE these guys
Rob Conroy
Date: 6/20/2001
"Fake Plastic Trees" is the best Radiohead song. Sorry, spoon... you KNOW I had to say this. :-)
Date: 6/20/2001
wheres airbag? airbag is the best!
Date: 6/21/2001
the acoustic version of fake plastic trees on the clueless soundtrack is way better than the original... i dunno though, you can't go wrong with radiohead either way.
indie sinatra
Date: 5/11/2002
sweetheart, you're not the only kid who sees how overrated karma police and fake plastic trees are. every radiohead mix i've done has been absent of those songs. i can't enjoy karma police after seeing it thrown on one of those NOW compilations alongside britney and the backstreet toys.