
Member Since: 2/24/2002
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 14

Other Mixes By erinmack

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

Southern Californian by the Grace of God: a bunch of songs by Franklin Bruno and the Mountain Goats

Side A
Artist Song
Nothing Painted Blue  2nd Class Citizen 
Franklin Bruno  Cheat 
Nothing Painted Blue  Foundation Slips 
Franklin Bruno  Uninsulated Wall 
Nothing Painted Blue  Storefronts 
Nothing Painted Blue  Swivelchair 
Nothing Painted Blue  Vengefull as Hell 
Nothing Painted Blue  Career Day 
Nothing Painted Blue  Another Child Bride 
Nothing Painted Blue  Lab Rat Blues (Mountain Goats cover) 
Nothing Painted Blue  Up with Upland 
Side B
the Mountain Goats  Somebody Else's Parking Lot in Santa Cruz (live) 
the Mountain Goats  New Math (live) 
the Mountain Goats  Beach House 
the Mountain Goats  Spilling Toward Alpha 
the Mountain Goats  The Garden Song 
the Mountain Goats  Chanson du Bon Chose 
the Mountain Goats  "Bluejays and Cardinals" 
the Mountain Goats  World Cylinder 
the Mountain Goats  Duke Ellington 
the Mountain Goats  Pure Heat 
the Mountain Goats  Shadow Song 
the Mountain Goats  Hello There Howard 
the Mountain Goats  Feed this End 
the Mountain Goats  Lab Rat Blues 
the Mountain Goats  Sinaloan Milk Snake Song 
the Mountain Goats  Orange Ball of Hate 
the Mountain Goats  Nine Black Poppies 


I didn't have access to my entire catalog of these artists, unfortunately, but that rather worked to my advantage -- I chose some of the less obvious gems that usually don't make it on to mixes.

Inland Empire in the hizouse!


Rob Conroy
Date: 2/24/2002
I absolutely worship the Mt. Goats and love to see them on mixes.
Date: 2/24/2002
It seems that the mountain goats is a band that I must hear, since everyone is always raving about them - what do I start with?
Date: 2/25/2002
no extra glenns?
Rob Conroy
Date: 2/25/2002
Zopilote Machine (although I think it's out of print, Sue, so I'll send you my "Catching God by the Ponytail" comp). If pressed, though, their latest (just out last week), "All Hail West Texas", is a more than worthy intro.
Date: 2/25/2002
I'd probably go with Sweden as a good intro. Lakespeed, read my comments: they explain the conspicuous absence of Extra Glenns. Sue -- I'll send you a bootleg in exchange for the Ozzie artists comp mix I proposed!
Rob Conroy
Date: 2/25/2002
Sweden? Really? Huh... not my *least* favorite, but right near there... but hey, Sue can pick what she wants, I guess. :-)
Date: 2/25/2002
It's not my favorite either, Rob, but it was the LP that got me completely obsessed with them, and I'd probably deem it the most immediately accessible, which is important in hooking a new fan. Now, I _love_ FFG, and find it very complex and multi-layered, but I had that record for a full six months before I truly "got" it. That's not what I'd want for a new listener.
Rob Conroy
Date: 2/26/2002
I think Sweden is among the most lo-fi of all of their recordings and has a lot of unmemorable songs on it; the only great moment I can think of is "Cold Milk Bottle", to be honest. It had an opposite effect on me, as both it and "Nothing for Juice" (my least favorite) totally cooled my enthusiasm for John's stuff... so I don't know. I guess we just disagree on what's "accessible", and that's fine. I'm honestly happy just to see yet another Mt. Goats fan here. :-)
Date: 2/26/2002
wait a minute -- "most lo-fi" is a BAD thing?

panasonic RX-FT500 til' death.
Rob Conroy
Date: 2/26/2002
:-) I don't think it's even remotely a bad thing, but someone who was *new* to his music (as we've been discussing) might think so...