
Member Since: 2/24/2002
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 14

erinmack's Mixes

erinmack's Favorite Mixes

erinmack's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for a Guamanian stranger
Cassette | Mixed Genre
made for five far-flung strangers from
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I miss my little Sunset Pig an awful lot and decided to make this mix to keep me sane while I compiled the rest of her third care package in one week. Ha.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
This began as a heartbreak mix for JR, but as I took longer and longer to complete it, the "utter doom and loss" theme became less urgent/necessary, though still perfectly prevalent.
Cassette | Mixed Genre
For Francesca. Dylan mentions Charles Atlas in his number, so I thought the follow-up was appropriate. Also noteworthy is that typing can be heard in the background in both the Looper and Kwame songs!
Cassette | Alternative - Indie Rock
I didn't have access to my entire catalog of these artists, unfortunately, but that rather worked to my advantage -- I chose some of the less obvious gems that usually don't make it on to mixes. Inland …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
I like the version of "Big Rock Candy" that's on here a lot better than the version that recently appeared on the "O Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack -- it's longer, for one. The spoken intro is a bo …