Other Mixes By teap!n
Theme - Depression


Mixed Genre

Mixed Genre

21 unhappy endings
Artist | Song | |
crayon | snap tight wars | |
quasi | the iron worm | |
new order | leave me alone | |
jawbreaker | fine day | |
unwound | envelope | |
mark lanegan | she done too much | |
cat power | bathysphere | |
zombies | leave me be | |
heatmiser | plainclothes man | |
mark lanegan | one way street | |
no. 2 | move it along | |
halo benders | scarin' | |
come | strike | |
wedding present | she's my best friend | |
ray charles | honey honey | |
billy bragg | valentines day is over (peel session) | |
iron + wine | dead man's will | |
sleater-kinney | good things | |
sodastream | wedding day | |
unwound | abstraktions | |
vic chesnutt | parade | |
for a trade with conor, who mentioned a certain attraction to sad songs. so he gets songs full of slow-burning melancholy (as opposed to unconsoleable mopery, although some of that unavoidably ended up on here anyway). i tried to come up with something i'd actually like to listen to even when it hasn't been raining and overcast for days on end. obviously influenced by my stint in seattle, just about half of these songs are from the nw, along with 2 covers that i like better than the originals. closes with the rambling but brilliant vic chesnutt, whose chorus gets more and more devastating each time it comes up ("where did you go/after the parade?"). halfway through the song, you get the feeling he knows where she went and is really asking her why she went there, which just makes things sadder. to my mind, at least. nothing too obscure, really, with lots of doubling up and a few previously used favorites. but i'm happy with it all the same and couldn't stand to take anything out.
Interesting theme & nicely executed mix, Mr. Pin. There's a song on the new bowie album, Heathen, ("Everyone says 'Hi'") where someone has gone away and bowie's character is reminiscently sad, (should have took a picture / love to get a letter / if the money is housey, you can always come home /we can do all the old things, etc) that'd fit in nicely here. Songs that bring a tear to the eye are great emotional tools for the soul. They often pinpoint the exact emotion you're feeling and help exercise it. Nice job !!
very COOL & fine mix, Ted-O. Emotive & cathartic. I'd say more, but Twilly really covers the waterfront here.
Like this one, Ted. Your mixes which I have been listening to recently are brilliant. I have really enjoyed them, and I'll be wanting a copy of this one soon, I think. Twilly says it all about melancholy.
That Billy Bragg song certainly is depressing, isn't it? Oh, and the Zombies track..... man oh man, I love them Zombies.
Really cool! I'm with Sean here, i looooove that Zombies tune!
Ted, this is truly awesome... one of your absolute best mixes, for sure. I absolutely love just about every track here (and the rest of them I haven't heard). Truly inspired Heatmiser choice, btw, and I agree with you about that Vic tune. Please send a copy along once I actually send you the discs that I owe you. :-)
Another great one Teapin. Not much to say that hasn't already been said. The song that always evokes a tear from me is "Bookends" by Simon & Garfunkel, and it's really not that sad of a song if you look at the lyrics.
Whoa, Ion, that's a strange near-coincidence... "April Come She Will" and "Kathy's Song" have that effect on me...
woah, this is another belter. i too am a complete sucker for 'envelope'.
this is great. nothing too expected and planty of nice surprises. love the unwound and jawbreaker selections. very nice.
oh, and could i arrange for a trade?
A great mix! Another NW thread...the posies cover that great Zombies song...
Two thumbs up, if only for the audacity of coupling (as it were) the Wedding Present and Ray Charles :) Cool job, my man.
this mix looks really great! want a trade? :D
teapin, so far this mix is definitley soaking in well. especialy the mark lanegan and heatmiser tracks. must go listen more. thank you thank you thank you.
this looks fantastic all around. iron & wine - didn't think *anyone* knew this band! (i only know this song because my boyfriend made me a mix with the song on it). and great sodastream pick too.
yowza. i missed this on the first go around...(ah, when the old days the 100 most recent page meant a minimum 1-week stay on the front page?) anyways, this mix is three thumbs up fantastic. in fact, i may be interested in adding this to the "teapin mix" section of my library.
unconsolable mopery! i want unconsolable mopery! anyway, aaawwwww.. these are the best kind of mixes, and the kind that make you want to jump out the window when you finish making them! did you ever notice that? ;) great job!
Love the Crayon song, have never been able to find it on CD. Great pick.
nice lanegan tracks.
where can i find Iron & Wine- Dead Man's Will on CD? It is not on any one of his albums i can find, and i love that fucking song!!!!