Other Mixes By Moe
Theme - Alternating DJ

Mixed Genre

Theme - Alternating DJ

Theme - Cover Songs

pet soundalikes (a beach boys tribute)
Artist | Song | |
cornelius | fantasma | |
psychic tv | good vibrations | |
tony rivers & the castaways | girl don't tell me | |
the raspberries | drivin' around | |
the freshmen | when the summer comes | |
les excentriques | aide-moi cherie | |
the legendary masked surfers | gonna hustle you | |
velocity girl | you're so good to me | |
the beach boys | barnyard | |
olivia tremor control | do you like worms? | |
the langley schools music project | god only knows | |
charles manson | cease to exist | |
the high llamas | the sun beats down | |
r.e.m. | summer turns to high | |
lesley gore | california nights | |
oranger | mike love not war | |
ash | pacific palisades | |
the ramones | surfin' safari | |
bikeride | carl wilson suite | |
ron sexsmith | you still believe in me | |
yo la tengo | farmer's daughter | |
the schramms | pet sounds | |
the yellow balloon | how can i be down | |
june & the exit wounds | highway noise | |
his name is alive | universal frequencies | |
the wondermints | tracy hide | |
the dukes of stratosphear | pale and precious | |
A mix made for Valis, based on a comment that he liked almost anything that sounds like Pet Sounds (or words to that effect). Of course not all of this sounds like that classic Beach Boys' album, but it is a hodgepodge of covers and music relating to or inspired by the Boys of Summer. I gotta thank Popkulcher for the Oranger and Lucyisblue for Les Excentriques (who apparently prefer Cherie's help over Rhonda's). I had plenty of worthy stuff left over that wouldn't fit, so expect a sequel somewhere down the road.
This is an instant favorite. Wow. And you came through with "Pale and Precious," the best Beach Boys song they never wrote. Great mix, Ion.
Great mix, but no At My Most Beautiful?
Actually it was toss up between At My Most Beautiful and Summer Turns to High. I only wanted to use one song per artist, and Summer won out.
Well..., I've just managed to get back into my commander's chair after falling out of it upon reading the descriptor..., not only does this fill me with good vibrations I may go away for awhile once I get this! (Nice Llamas pick!)
Thanks Ion..., and you posted it early too!
Thanks Ion..., and you posted it early too!
HELLUVA' COVER! (deserved it's own comment!)
have you seen that album on Varese called "Warmth of the sun" ? i really like that albun and this one looks better to me, please trade with me before the summer ends
Cowabunga, Dude! This has exceeded my expectations, great mix! =)
When I first looked at the title, my first thought was "I hope he included "pale and Precious.'" Thanks for not letting me down. :-)
Okay, cool. Send this one, too. :-)
you totall neglected david lee roth's version of "california girls" and wax's version of "do you wanna dance
," but that's alright, because one could easily make an argument for those songs sucking.
," but that's alright, because one could easily make an argument for those songs sucking.
this mix, does not, by the way.
wicked awesome! i love pet sounds too, so you must make me a copy of this. in fact, this kind of mix is something i could use *right* now - it's freaking *hailing* outside!
Thanks for the answer Ion. Maybe it'll be on volume two ;)
Great idea and execution! Hope you save one for me. This could easily be a series, but it might spoil the effect.
Great work, Ion. I really would like this when you have the time. We'll have to get some more trades organised, my friend.
The Oranger song is a phenomenal pick. Though how can you have an album of Beach Boys soundalikes and not include Beulah or the Apples in Stereo?
I'm sure at least one of thse fine bands will be on the next one. As mentioned above, plenty of great stuff got leftover. Wish imation made 140 minute CD-Rs.
This is just great Ion. Lots to love and the inclusion of Mr. Manson always intriques/repels me. I'd love to set-up a trade if you're interested.
Another great piece of workm, my friend. Juast as I expected :-). Can't wait to hear this. Love it!
Sorry for the typos down there. And I forgot to say that any mix including Lesley Gores brilliant "California Nights" is a WINNER in my book (and I'm not talkin' Mark Twai here).
i really like the cover.
sean o'hagan is the new brian wilson - wait did i just make a rather risky statement.
sean o'hagan is the new brian wilson - wait did i just make a rather risky statement.
barney b4......Sean O'Hagan is an uber-Brian...!
Don't forget of montreal for the next volume. They'd fit right in.
Great concept. Love to hear this one.
love the concept and very fond of leslie gore's inclusion. pet sounds is my fave american lp of all time.
Wow! So this is the mix you mentioned in your comment. It looks amazing. Lots of great picks and a great cover, too! (our favourite font puts in an appearance again :) )I'd love a copy if you're up for a trade?
This looks like a mix of the week
Wow! Valis gave me an accidental heads up that this was on the way...and it looks phenomenal! That cover...man! First Class' Beach Baby is an obvious BB's sound-a-like that comes to mind. I, too, would love a copy.
Cool concept and awesome picture, good job!
This is brilliant!
Ion....I was thinking: "Wouldn't It Be Nice" if this received Mix of the Week..? (I almost lobbied for it, but "That's Not Me.")"God Only Knows" there's other serious contenders this week......but I came "Here Today" thinking "I Know There's An Answer"......so, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
(And "Hang On To Your Ego" !!!)
(And "Hang On To Your Ego" !!!)
Congrats on Mix of the Week, you deserve it.
Somehow I knew this would happen :) Congrats on Mix Of The Week.
Nice mix...nice cover...I have that same car as well as the Sammy Hagar one! Congrats!
Congratulations, Ion! I completely missed this one...when you get a chance to make a 1,000 copies of this I'd love to hear it...
Where can I get that car?!?
Where can I get that car?!?
Thanks for the complimentary comments everyone! I'll be sure to get a copy to anyone who wants one. The Pet Sounds car, made by Racing Champions, came out about 3 or 4 years ago, and is no longer available in stores. And yes, they also made a Sammy Hagar one, along with an Ozzy Osbourne "Madman Van."
Congratulations! I'd like to nominate a song for volume two: "Perfect Lovesong" by The Divine Comedy.
Great mix, Ion. Count me in with the many others who would like a copy. Let me know if there's anything of mine you'd be interested in trading for this.
Beautiful. Expecting the Katrina Mitchell/Bill Wells track soon!
This is just beautiful! I'd like to throw my name onto the list of those requesting copies, which looks to be pushing this mix somewhere toward at least RIAA Gold status! Congratulations on making a brilliant mix(and MOW)!!!
Very simple and very great idea, and beautifully done! even if I don't know a lot of this stuff. Smart cover too.
great stuff. Congradulations on Mix o' the week.
that's a CONCEPT. what a worthy band to cover and pay tribute, and what wonderful bands doing the work. durn near perfect here.
great picture too
great picture too
fantas-teek! and, with 47 (and counting) Post comments I think you're setting a new World's Record!!
Ion, this is really cool. Great job.
Hey, nearly a "moon's age" has gone by.....this still is beautifully rendered! Constantly played, too! (Has your Mom heard this? Or does she just churn out da' copies..., heh.)
this was as good as it looks like, the weather here in Sweden is still hot (the hottest summer since they started counting back 1840) and this mix fits like a hand in a glove with a beer right now
the Shins-"Girl Inform Me"....V2
Listen to this back to back with Muzag's "And you'll never hear surf music again" and you'll be wearing a summery smile all day!
I'm way behind on this one and have nothing new to add. Absolutely tremendous.
Fantastic. This looks great.
I'd LOVE this one, Ion. I agree with what Valis said about Pet Sounds (I'm waiting for Take 6 to cover the entire album). Did you consider Todd R's sound alike Good Vibrations from the mid 70'?
Awesome Cover!
V2....V2...V2...V2, it'll be a rocket from Schneider...
Excellent idea for a mix, and well executed ... And you design the most bitchen covers!
Great concept I would love to hear. I'm a bit jealous of your sense of design. Wow!
I've been listening to this one a lot lately, I'd love to get the whole series when you find the time...!
You know your sh*t. "Pale and Precious" by XT...I mean Dukes of Stratosphear proves it. Also the Psychic TV. Their song "White Nights" on the album "Dreams Less Sweet" is also very Beach Boysey. By the way, to all B.B. fans, check out "Pulp Fiction" soundtrack curator Chuck Kelley's weekly radio tribute to them on Luxuriamusic.com.
This is truly a 5-Star mix. Have been working on my own mix of BW/BB soundalikes when I came across yours! I still plan to complete mine - there will be some overlap - I have a decent number of songs that do not appear on any of your 3 mixes. Would love to get a copy of each of these...is it possible? Email me privately at: chadzwo@myway.com. Thanks for the great mix, and some ideas for my own.
Great series.All 5 mixes look superb.
MOTFE (Mix of The Forever)