
Member Since: 8/19/2002
Total Mixes: 10
Total Feedback: 0

Other Mixes By murmandamus

CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Single Artist

Radiohead (1993-2001)

Artist Song
Radiohead  Creep 
Radiohead  Fake Plastic Trees 
Radiohead  Just 
Radiohead  My Iron Lung 
Radiohead  Street Spirit (Fade Out) 
Radiohead  Talk Show Host 
Radiohead  Paranoid Android 
Radiohead  Karma Police 
Radiohead  Climbing Up The Walls 
Radiohead  No Surprises 
Radiohead  The National Anthem 
Radiohead  How To Disappear Completely 
Radiohead  Idioteque 
Radiohead  Pyramid Song 
Radiohead  You And Whose Army? 
Radiohead  Dollars & Cents 
Radiohead  Life In A Glasshouse 


Oh boy. What I wanted this CD to do. It was aimed at trying to pull a few people into the Radiohead camp, by presenting them with the most accessible Radiohead tracks whilst showing Radiohead's musical development through Pablo Honey (1993), The Bends (1994), OK Computer (1997), Kid A (2000), and Amnesiac (2001). I always feel somewhat guilty for overlooking the Pablo Honey era. But, do I?


abigail dice
Date: 8/19/2002
yay! I love this. so nice.
Date: 8/19/2002
Good stuff. But what else would be expected from a Radiohead retrospective?
Date: 8/19/2002
I secong's hard to go wrong with Radiohead, though I msut admit this definatly has a fair share of personal favs.
Date: 8/19/2002
this looks a lot like my radiohead cd...except i don't ever feel guilty about looking over pablo honey
Date: 8/19/2002
I probably would've even left off Creep, as I assume that most people have heard it, and if they're anything like me have spent several years avoiding Radiohead altogether because of it. But my comments should go with a grain of salt anyway, as I'd have a completely impossible time trying to put together a 1CD comp of Radiohead's stuff. I'm the kind of person who feels bad about not being able to put on all their B-sides, heh heh.