
Member Since: 3/23/2002
Total Mixes: 261
Total Feedback: 3476

Other Mixes By McDonald12

CD | Theme - Alternating DJ
CD | Mixed Genre
CD | Mixed Genre

War Is Terrorism With A Bigger Budget

Artist Song
The Clash  Hate And War 
The Damned  I Just Can't Be Happy Today 
The Stranglers  Nuclear Device 
The Angelic Upstarts  I Won't Pay For Liberty 
The Skids  Circus Games 
Anti Flag  Anti Violent 
Ramones  Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World 
Rage Against The Machine  Sleep Now In The Fire 
Stiff Little Fingers  State Of Emergency 
Refused  New Noise 
Descendents  I'm Not A Punk 
Sonic Youth  Youth Against Fascism 
Troublemakers  Moderator 
The Cramps  Human Fly 
Suicide Machines  Punk out 
NOFX  Bath Of Least Resistance 
The Dead Kennedys  Chemical Warfare 
UK Subs  Warhead 
Sham69  If The Kids Are United 
The Jam  Eton Rifles (demo) 
Crass  Nagasaki Nightmare 
The Pixies  Hang Wire 
The Buzzcocks  16Again 
Fishbone  Everyday Sunshine 


First of all, A very Happy New Year to all my friends on AOTM. The last year has been a richly rewarding time for me, and not just in a musical sense, but also the friends I have made thru this site have made my life all the better. So, thanks all! This is a punky mix. That seems to be the flavour of the moment on AOTM. Some well-known, and some a little more obscure. I don't make any apologies for the anti-war stance. I am not in ANY WAY anti-American, or indeed anti-anynationality. I am anti-war and pro peace. I don't want to see one human being killed to make anyone rich. The people who wage war for profits have lost their humanity and it's up to anyone worldwide with a social conscience to stop this abomination. They should be feeding, clothing and educating people around the world with the hideously large amounts of money spent on arms. The first track says it all, and the last track is the way it can be. Peace, Love, Happiness to everyone in 2003.


Scott K
Date: 1/1/2003
Happy New Year to you, Gerry. I agree, but I'll take you one further: threatening war is terrorism. Let's hope they come to their senses...oh, and I love the Rage, Kennedys and especially the Crass choices. Peace.
Date: 1/1/2003
You should send this mix to Dubya. Maybe he would get something out of it.
Date: 1/1/2003
Perfect start to the year Gerry. Love the SY and Jam picks especially. If only the beating of these drums could drown out the war drums...
Date: 1/1/2003
Testify! this rocks Gerry. I'd take you up on the c.d. burner offer but you'd probably have to buy me a new computer so it would handle it.
p the swede
Date: 1/1/2003
I'm at every way ANTI George W Bush and i'm not sure you can bomb a nation to peace, just look at Vietnam, i'm not that young anymore but my membership in
"Youth Against Fascism" is always renewd BTW cool mix
Sean Lally
Date: 1/1/2003
This is really beautiful, Gerry. Great sentiment and great picks. I couldn't agree more.
Sean Lally
Date: 1/1/2003
And you included the pride of Pittsburgh, Anti-Flag!
Date: 1/1/2003
Happy New Year, Gerry! Excellent mix, I echo your sentiments too.
Rob Conroy
Date: 1/1/2003
Happy new year to you, as well, Gerry. I agree with the spirit of this mix as a whole, as well, Gerry...
Date: 1/1/2003
Love your mix and Happy New Year.
Matt Carpenter
Date: 1/1/2003
Love the Rage track. And I definately agree about war. If Sadam's such a problem, just send over some good snipers. Or maybe a suicidal person with a bomb strapped to him. It's better than having a few thousand soldiers killed.
Date: 1/1/2003
yeah gerard, this mix really rocks! and i wish it could stop these "stupid white men".
Brave Little Toaster
Date: 1/1/2003
i think this is a well put together mix, but i can't say i agree with your sentiments (i'm in the minority on this message board i think.) unfortunately people have to die to pave the way to "peace"...our grandfathers and great grandfathers gave their lives for the "peace" we enjoy today. new generations have to step up to the plate if we want our kids and grandchildren to live in freedom. we can't just ignore bad people who possess the means to destroy us (and they're out there.)
Date: 1/1/2003
great mix, gerry. happy new year to you, too. you know, as much as i hate the thought of war, there is some truth in what brave little toaster says. for example, if america got rid of its nukes, most likely iraq (or n. korea, etc.) would use the fact that they're nuke free and nuke the hell outta them. in perth, their protesting the fact that the american soldiers are on a r&r tour here, thus, perth is a potential terrorist target - but it is anyway, as are all western nations, really. anyway, let's hope for peace.
Date: 1/1/2003
who are the bad people? Bush and Blair must top the list. They sold the arms to the "bad guys". Bush and Blair also choose to ignore many other dictators who have appalling human rights records, as long as they are on the side of US/UK it doesn't matter what they do to their own people. Just because the US/UK may have "Fought the good fight" against Nazism in the second world war does not forgive them for the appalling mess they have left behind in every other country they have plundered and annexed in times before and since.
Date: 1/1/2003
I hear what you're saying Toaster and Sue, but it's got nothing to do with "Fighting the good fight". That's what they want people to think. It's all about getting their hands on oil for the west. I just hate to see people losing their lives over money. Believe me, that's what it's all about.
Date: 1/1/2003
Great mix, gerard. And I agree with your sentiments 100.1%
Emily Stein
Date: 1/2/2003
Oh hell yes--I agree with your position with every fiber of my being, and even if I didn't, this mix rocks quite a bit. Happy New Year. :)
Professor Poserlad
Date: 1/2/2003
i've struggled long and hard with what to write here concerning the issue. but i can't, too many thoughts. a little research would make it clear where i stand. p.s. nice mix, way better than bosworth.
Date: 1/2/2003
Great mix & theme, sir!
Happy new year!
Date: 1/2/2003
Happy New Year Gerry! F**K Mike Love & war! (Speak now or forever hold your peace...)
Date: 1/2/2003
Thank you for speaking out. Use any voice.
The Misfit
Date: 1/2/2003
A great mix and wise words, Gerry.
Mo Twang!
Date: 1/2/2003
Nice mix and I completely agree with you.
Date: 1/2/2003
Fabulous mix Gerry. Keep fighting the good fight.
Geoffrey Holland
Date: 1/7/2003
nice work...close runner up for MOTW.
Date: 6/17/2003
Awesome mix. That's the beauty of this country... the ability to speak out knowing you're free to do so. I can't say I agree with your war stance, but it makes me proud to be an American to know that you're able to express it however you want. Bravo!
Professor Poserlad
Date: 10/24/2003
the war on terrorism is just the new war on communism. same faceless enemy, same strategic positioning of super powers and vassal states, same endorsing of GOOD makes me sick. yup. nice mix, yet again.
Date: 12/2/2004
sorry to have missed this one - outstanding mix and (obviously) I share your sentiments.