
Member Since: 5/31/2002
Total Mixes: 7
Total Feedback: 5

MOVING TO NYC but can never leave my San Francisco Musical Taste

Artist Song
Ladytron  Evil 
Sing-Sing  Underage 
No Knife  the Spy 
Mew  Her Voice is Beyond her Years 
Frou-Frou  Must Be Dreaming 
Broken Social Scene  Cause = Time 
Xiu Xiu  Don Diasco 
Prefuse 73  Female Demands 
The Polyphonic Spree  Section 6 
the Slits  Shoplifting 
Circle Jerks  Love Kills 
Operation Ivy  Knowledge 
Blonde Redhead  Ballad of Lemons 
Cat's Miaow  The Phoebe I Know 
Le Tigre  Decepticon 
A.R.E. Weapons  Saigon Disco 
Adult.  Glue Your Eyelids Together 
the Faint  Violent 
Ladytron  Playgirl 


I know that I am clashing genres and to those who like to sit on their golden mountains of music snobbery might shun me after viewing my music choices. But this is how I feel right now, a little electroclashy-sexual, a little belle and sebastianesque-cuteness, with the instrumental rock-intellectualness. i just registered for my classes next year, and it was all too fun... but at least i am in film school.


Date: 6/17/2003
i hope school turns out to be just as fun as this mix.
magic boots
Date: 6/17/2003
thumbs up:)
michael r.
Date: 6/17/2003
brilliant. honestly--smashing broken social scene between xiu xiu and frou frou makes me smile so hard. awesome.
Date: 6/18/2003
fucking hott. period.
Date: 6/18/2003
hey, u posted on my mix, so i thought id check out yours and post as well. i think, to some extent, i may have made that whole "music and ego" comment a little too cynical. music is a huge part of my life at the moment and basically what i was trying to say was, u know, why is that so? is it real? and lets hope it is, but sometimes we have to think about it, analyse it, work it out and find the truth. sounds wanky, i know. by the way, ur mix corresponds to a lotta stuff i love at the moment, kick ass, well done, and good evening...