
Member Since: 10/30/1999
Total Mixes: 69
Total Feedback: 6

Other Mixes By Lawrence1

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Cassette | Mixed Genre

oh hell, i'm getting all mushy.

Side A
Artist Song
50. kristin hersh  a loon 
49. fiona apple  the child is gone 
48. moby  that's when i reach for my revolver 
47. serge gainsbourg with brigitte bardot  comic strip 
46. tish hinojosa  corazon viajero 
45. portishead  glory box 
44. cardigans  iron man 
43. richard thompson  i feel so good 
42. kenickie  in your car 
41. comet gain  i close my eyes and think of god 
40. soho  hippy chick 
39. scarce  days like this 
38. ivy  l'anamour 
Side B
37. francoise hardy  il est parti un jour 
36. pj harvey  the dancer 
35. cranberries  pretty (remix) 
34. dead milkmen  punk rock girl 
33. belly  now they'll sleep 
32. queers  another girl 
31. robyn hitchcock and the egyptians  balloon man 
30. hefner  i took her love for granted 
29. renderers  a dream of the sea 
28. joni mitchell  raised on robbery 
27. blur  country sad ballad man (live acoustic version) 
26. schemers  remember (demo version) 
25. tricky  suffocated love (live) 
24. primitives  crash 
(bonus track) pulp  ansaphone 


So K is going to Ohio and I'm going to New York. For his going away present I was going to make him a set of the 50 best songs he's ever given me on a tape. But then I thought, "no, I want him to remember ME. I'm sure he'll have no trouble remembering himself." So instead I made him two tapes of the 50 best songs I've ever given him, in my opinion. And wouldn't you know listening to it now, the damn thing is almost making me cry. And I'm only on song #46. Uggh!
