Other Mixes By Moe
Theme - Alternating DJ

Blues - Classic Blues

Mixed Genre

Theme - Alternating DJ

Theme - Cover Songs

kids rock!
Thomas Mohr and I collaborated on this collection of music performed by our favorite adolescent artists. Fortunately (or unfortunately) we have plenty of stuff left over for a sequel, so expect something again later this year. Gotta thank partner in crime DJ Lunchboy, who contributed a couple songs to the mix. Here's some additional info about the artists above, followed by a quiz:The Frogs - The band recruited some pollywogs to sing on their cover of "Vacation," recorded for a Go-Go's tribute CD.
GWA - Eight Montreal munchkins rap about unity on the playground. Not exactly NWA.
Jordy - This annoying 4-year-old French fry had an international hit with this song in the early 90s. Yet another reason to hate France. I kid!
The Humbard Twins - The token religious song. You might want to find a hiding place when 4-year-olds Drusilla and Susanna excorcise their vocal chords.
The Ginny Tiu Revue (upper right) - These sisters (and one brother) from the Far East were stars in the early 60s, appearing several times on Ed Sullivan's Show.
The Bantams - The trio were known as the "kid Beatles" in 1965, and even cut an album for Warner Brothers, which included mostly covers of the fab four.
The Mini-Beats - Today's Bantams? These lads from Hamburg, Germany have also made a decent weekly allowance covering the Beatles, and have released several CDs in their homeland.
The Mini-Pops - If seeing and hearing youngsters imitate 80s pop acts floats your boat, then look no further. They could be seen impersonating Abba, Madonna and Culture Club on British television.
Old Skull (lower right) - These Reagan-hating 9-year-olds were billed as the world's youngest punk band. Restless released their unlistenable album "Get Outta School" in 1989. Rumour has it that they're now Green Day.
Ricky Wilde - This 11-year-old wild thing beat his older sister Kim to the pop charts in 1973 with this ode to space travel.
Patience & Prudence - The McIntyre sisters were 11 and 14 when they released this single in 1957. And it's true, they really can't sing rhythm and blues.
Rodney Allen Rippy - This pint-sized Jack in the Box spokeskid was America's sweetheart when he released this single in 1973.
Sparky - These pretty boys recorded just one single in the early 70s. It got them on the Dinah Shore show and in a few of the teen mags, but the spark never ignited.
Chee-Chee & Peppy - This duo from Pennsylvania had enough talent to be signed by the famous Buddah label in 1971.
Langley Schools Music Project - These Western Canadians only had a couple self-pressed albums to their name back in 1977. The Bar/None label re-released their recorded output on CD a few years ago. Could a reunion tour be far behind?
Miss Abrams & the Strawberry Point 4th Grade Class - Self-proclaimed hippy teacher Rita Abrams released an album with these school children in 1970. They even had a hit with the song "Mill Valley."
Jimmy Osmond (upper left) - Lil' Jimmy was just 9 when this single hit number one on the UK pop charts. No one younger has matched the achievement since.
The Original Cast of Zoom (lower left) - When they weren't running around in striped shirts and making up words on the popular 70s PBS TV show, these guys were laying down tracks in the studio, like this 1910 Fruitgum Company cover.
Lol Coxhill - This experimental jazz musician rounded up several children (aged 6 to 13) to sing and play on one of the most bizarre Beatles covers ever recorded.
School Within a School at Peabody - If the above doesn't clear the room, then this should do the trick -- a rendition of the Steve Miller classic will surely send your guests scurrying for the exits!
Here's the quiz. Be the first to answer correctly and score a free copy: Two of the artists on this mix have appeared on the silver screen. One was in a film with Frank Sinatra, the other with Elvis Presley. Can you name them?

This is bad-ass! Jimmy Osmond has always given me the wiggins.
Shit - this is both cool as hell and creepy as shit. Fantastic job all around. And I can't believe you have that Ricky Wilde song! I have looked for that single for almost 20 years - ever since being strangely transfixed by it after hearing it on Dr Demento. I haven't heard it since but I'm pretty sure I still remember it well. I have a space theme disc track listing plotted out and I won't make it until I have that song. I also have an unexplainable soft spot for Patience and Prudence. You guys rock.
Sign me up!!!
Oops, I wasn't aware that you'd post this as a collaboration . . . Read me blush! ;) Looks shvell, to say the very least. And, er, as to the quiz: I can name at least one . . . but I guess I don't count. Sulk. (You forgot to include the James Boys info, and rest assured the Tiny Tina & Little John album is on its way to you!;))
Oh, a quiz to score a copy. And this one is actually easier than your last one (although you probably suspected I would have been better at it--did you ever post an answer?). Eddie Hodges and Frank did a flick; the title escapes me. ("High Hopes" was the famous song from it though.). Ginny Tiu and Elvis did GirlsGirlsGirls. I know a bunch of Elvis co-stars because I play alot of bar trivia, although the cash prizes are never as sweet as this is going to be.
Now I don't feel so bad about owning OLD SKULL's "C.I.A. Drug Fest" record. Well, okay, I'm still ashamed to say I own it. Hope nobody's reading this.
I got to admit that I'm not that keen about kids singing, but this looks like a great job from two great guys, you can always go together as Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft ;).
Oh...my...god...no-one should own this much kid's stuff. Not even Paul Reubens. I'm with Dale this is creepy cool.
This has got to be one of the scariest mixes I've seen on AotM :)Very worrying...but at least you blew Thomas' cover as part of the deal. As an act of endurance in its compilation, I salute you!
THIS ... KICKS ... ASS. Patience & Prudence!!!! Man, oh man... Is it time to trade again? Huh, Moe? Is it??
Rodney Allen Rippy? Miss Abram's 4th grade's NON-hit!??!
Patience & Prudence?! I've got to admit, this is TOO weird for me!
Patience & Prudence?! I've got to admit, this is TOO weird for me!
Yeeeeow! If "the youth are the future" then I'm afraid that the Sex Pistols may have had it right. Gadzooks. The Moe/Mohr (Qaddafi..?) axis lays a big batch of audio terrorism on us....(hadn't thought of Rodney Allen Rippy in 30 years. Perhaps rightly so....)Youth shall be served...., with a curry sauce.
Looks great. I want it, for sure.
Mini Pops! Oh dear.
Oh man, this is... What is this?!
Eddie Hodges was with Sinatra in A Hole In The Head, no? I don't know about Elvis though, I'll guess it's Ricky Wilde...
Eddie Hodges was with Sinatra in A Hole In The Head, no? I don't know about Elvis though, I'll guess it's Ricky Wilde...
The Jordy track is the clincher here for me--I knew I was in the presence of something truly great. Years ago I worked at a music magazine and I remember my friend and I coming back from lunch and seeing a stretch limo out in front of the office. We wondered which star was gracing us with their presence and went inside to find Jordy and his mother. It was truly surreal to see a snot-nosed four-year-old talking about his hit song. I'd hazard a guess that Rodney Allen Rippey and Jimmy Osmond are the silver screeners.
Horrifying... wretched... presumably utterly unlistenable... actually, I'm thinking about tonight's Bush press conference, but damn if this doesn't come close as well. I shudder to think how many garage sales you must have haunted to track this stuff down. Hope you picked up a couple velvet Elvises while you were at it. As someone who prefers the kid-sung "Career Opportunities" on Sandanista to the original, allow me to throw my kudos into the ring.
We're gonna zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom-ah zoom! Kids do rock. Always wanted to hear that Rodney Allen Rippy tune. Hope you've got the Kids of Widney High lined up for the sequel.
Wow... amazing stuff. Love the notes but I got to ditto some of the comments below like weird, creepy, unsettling, and cool, yes very cool.
Nest of Vipers is correct about High Hopes coming from "A Hole in the Head", directed by Frank Capra. Meanwhile, it is scary, creepy, brilliant! Will the Collins Kids appear on Volume 2? Really this quite a feat! When you stun Mr. Burns, you can sleep proud!
Whoa!! I agree that this is totally creepy cool. It has MOTW Jr. written all over it. I hadn't thought of Rodney Allen Rippy in a very long while. Why on earth do you have that tune? Well done!
Rock les enfants, rock les enfants. And remember, 'the kids of today are the goats of tomorrow.' - French Connection via Gobi.
I want my mommy!
This looks hilarious and wonderful and...well, all sorts of general laudatory comments apply here. Great cover too.
LMAO? What the heck does THAT mean? ;)
I'm pretty sure that LMAO is either "laughing my ass off" or "let's milk another ostrich". I can't believe I missed the Rodney Allen Rippy the first time. That pushed this more into the "creepy as shit" camp. I'm hoping you guys are working on grandparents mix to even it out a little.
Hmmmmm. Grandparents mix. *starts digging through record collection*
Jeez. I missed this first time somehow... what a mess! Me and some pals fell into the school of thinking that Daphne & Celeste were genius. I'm sure they knew what they were doing.
MOTW? Fightening, very frightening. :) good job!
Scary stuff, but like all good weirdos. I have to have a peek. Gimme Gimme gimme! Brilliant concoction
You've pulled together some truly inexplicable oddities for this one. Nice work!
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A well deserved Mix of the Week despite the bad dreams I've had ever since seeing Jordy and Old Skull on the same disc. You did it again you lovable bastards.
Congrats, my man.
Congratulations! I cannot get 28-30 outta my head. The two-headed mix machine would like a trade perhaps?
Hey Ion, We have to trade of course. I want to hear this mix! - Lili
Whoa...Just when I thought there couldn't be anything creepier than the Kidz Bop albums, you lowered the bar. A disc like this would be a good advertisement for Planned Parenthood.
holy shit this is cool
Congratulations! This looks creepy, but I'd love to hear it....
Super-duper Fantastic mix, guys! Congratulations on a well-deserved MOTW!
Dementedly cool Mista Mowers. Now does this make you wish you had kids or glad that you don't?
Congrats! cool mix!
so i've been looking for new compilations of English-language kids' songs to blast for the Taiwanese kindergarteners that i teach, instead of that annoying forever young disc the other teachers are so fond of blasting... maybe this is the answer? FOR MY SANITY'S SAKE, HELP ME GET A COPY OF THIS.
No Comment ;)
wow! I would love to trade for something of mine if you are interested.
excellent, really a unique mix.
Best mix ever. Zooooom!!