VIDEO GAME MASTERPIECES Vol. 2 <font color ="darkslateblue">VIDEO GAME MASTERPIECES Vol. 2</f by Planet of the Tapes

Planet of the Tapes

Member Since: 9/22/2005
Total Mixes: 67
Total Feedback: 55

Other Mixes By Planet of the Tapes

Cassette | Theme - Narrative
Cassette | Theme - Narrative


Side A
Artist Song
Nobuo Uematsu  The Evil Power of the Underworld (from Final Fantasy III) 
Nobuo Uematsu  The Red Wings (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Dearly Beloved (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Title (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Y(ko Shimomura, Hikaru Utada  Hikari - KINGDOM Orchestra Instrumental Version (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Kingdom of Baron (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Dive Into the Heart -Destati- (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Title Demo (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Bustin' Up On the Beach (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Theme of Love (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Koji Kondo  Hyrule Field Main Theme (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Kairi I (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  It Began With a Letter (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Termina Field (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Y(ko Shimomura  A Walk in Adante (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Their Spiritual Leader (from Final Fantasy III) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Night of Fate (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Lon Lon Ranch (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Battle 1 (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Traverse Town (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Mayor's House Council Room (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Shrouding Dark Cloud (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Mt. Ordeals (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  To Our Surprise (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Golbez, Clad In Darkness (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Having a Wild Time (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Side B
Nobuo Uematsu  Ebb and Flow (from Final Fantasy III) 
Koji Kondo (arranged and performed by Minibosses)  Title (from The Legend of Zelda) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Hand in Hand (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Mystic Mysidia (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Blast Away! -Gummi Ship II- (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Mid Boss Battle (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Arabian Dream (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Battle with the Four Fiends (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Monstrous Monstro (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Lost Woods (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Nobuo Uematsu  The Airship (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura, Alan Menken  Under the Sea (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Lunar Whale (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura, Danny Elfman  This Is Halloween (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  The Dark Cloud (from Final Fantasy III) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Never Land Sky (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Majora's Mask to the Moon (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Hollow Bastion (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  The Lunarians (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Koji Kondo  Theme of Princess Zelda (from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Forze del male (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  Within the Giant (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  End of the World (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Koji Kondo  Staff Roll (from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Guarando nel buio (from Kingdom Hearts) 
Nobuo Uematsu  The Final Battle (from Final Fantasy IV) 
Y(ko Shimomura  Dearly Beloved -Reprise- (from Kingdom Hearts) 


120 minutes long. Another volume in the continuing series. All music on this album is from either NES, SNES, N64, or PS2 games. This album like my last is filled with many of the same artists (because they ARE that great). Koji Kondo's continuely evolving Zelda music is here, featured by Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. For me personally, Lon Lon Ranch from Ocarina of Time is one of the most memorable tunes in Zelda history. That haunting vocal. Nobuo Uematsu is of course represented again. Both album sides open with tracks from the Japan release only, Final Fantasy III. Any FF fan looking for an interesting Final Fantasy listening experience, I implore you to pick up the Final Fantasy III cd. Especially Final Fantasy fans that also love dido, as she provides vocals for 2 songs! Equally amazing compositions are provided by a slew of tracks from Uematsu's Final Fantasy IV score for the SNES (Final Fantasy II in North America). The Airship, The Final Battle and Theme of Love are only some of the amazing tracks offered here. (Long live the spoon). The main theme of this album is the immensly popular Square/Disney game, Kingdom Hearts. One of the most surprising and popular RPG's of all time. Any Disney fans (even if you hate video games) that don't know what I'm talking about, go out and but a copy for the PS2 then buy a PS2 if need be. The only game where you can control a whole slew of Disney characters like Goofy and Donald. You can even meet Cloud and the evil Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII! Not to mention every other Disney charcter in creation, a true marvel of entertainment and creativity. Yoko Shimomura's magic is captured here with 22 original compositions, some real great ones like the somber Dearly Beloved and Kairi I, the romping Bustin' Up On the Beach and Night of Fate, and the infectous Guardando nel buio. Plus 2 more tracks are offered, Under the Sea is of course a cover of the classic tune from The Little Mermaid. Used on this album it also makes me think of the great NES Capcom game, The Little Mermaid released in 1991, truly one of the greatest games of all time (no lie). And the second being This Is Halloween from Nightmare Before Christmas, Shimomura covers it well. And to round it all out the greatest NES cover band IN THE WORLD is back, the Minibosses offer up their slow haunting Legend of Zelda title song. The best cover of this tune I have ever heard (and I've heard the philharmonic do it).
image for mix


Date: 12/10/2005
I don't know if you could actually sit and listen to this but impeccable achievement! I used to like the music from Donkey Kong Country 2...
Date: 12/10/2005
Nice work! Very thorough. Have you heard of The Advantage? I think you'd like them! You can sample some of their songs here.
Planet of the Tapes
Date: 12/11/2005
I do know of The Advantage, they're amazing, I still love my Minibosses. And trust me, you can sit and listen to this. Walking in the cold snow while having this play on my walkman is truly inspiring.