
Not very diverse. Some stuff I had on the hard drive. I wanted to test the mp3 playlist upload feature. It works pretty well for this sort of thing. Anyway, here's some acoustic blues for other people  …
This is not a bunch of cheery songs. The selections here describe death, hard times, depression era problems,war, struggle, and loss. However, I love the blues with a passion, and it should be about su …
Some good ol fashion blues
title says it all. it made me want to listen to nothing but this kind of music and re-evaluate the kind of people i hang around with
Still cleaning up my hard drive.
I made this mix for my father who plays piano in a blues band. The mix is mostly uptempo boogie woogie and hard driving blues.
I made this mix for my father who plays piano in a blues band. The mix is mostly uptempo boogie woogie and hard driving blues.
As I was working on The Autopsy Blues, i made this mix to pass the time, basically, because i needed a good mix for a walk i needed to take. the transition between bragg and the yardbirds is pretty har …
Something to melt the snow away.
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