
Member Since: 4/18/2001
Total Mixes: 69
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rojodiablo77's Mixes

rojodiablo77's Favorite Mixes

rojodiablo77's Mixes

Cassette | Single Artist
no, i didn't put "satan gave a taco" or "MTV makes me want to smoke crack" or "steve threw up". now if you'll excuse me, i have to go. my zankou chicken is getting cold.
Cassette | Single Artist
you know, i'd not mind having "strings of nashville" be the last song i ever hear, really. it's just so damn purdy and sad and beautiful...but we don't need to think about such matters just yet. paveme …
Cassette | Single Artist
came upon these guys from the mark e. smith connection; ended up loving 'em so much that i worked for the US offices of their label (too pure) for about a year and a half after hearing them. stunning l …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
4/28/2001, iso131 urged me to post this one, as i made it specifically for her and she loves it. the cover-art turned out quite well, too. pints...squirrels...what more could i possibly need to be content …
Cassette | Single Artist
a different kind of obsessive-compulsive-disorder is more like it...
Cassette | Theme - Cover Songs
whew. in case it doesn't make immediate sense, the first side is all covers DONE BY the fall (with original artist noted in parentheses); side two is either collaborations that the fall's mark e. smith …
Cassette | Single Artist
it sounds better at 3:00 AM with a glass of merlot in one hand and a cigarette in the other, trust me.
Cassette | Single Artist
a fact: "hurricane" (song one, second side) is my single favorite song in the entire world. ever. it's second to only "chasing a bee" by mercury rev, which frankly, sounds remarkably similar to "hurric …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
first, to explain the title of the mix: for about 8 years now, i've been making these impulsive mixtapes called "small fry + senior alike". i just keep calling them this. i like the sound of it; almost …
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