sam? sam!

Member Since: 5/29/2001
Total Mixes: 17
Total Feedback: 23

sam? sam!'s Mixes

sam? sam!'s Favorite Mixes

sam? sam!'s Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
mixtapes for me are always a ridiculously slow and laborious process. i'm compulsively perfectionistic about them. putting together a single mixtape requires at least several days (usually several week …
CD | Theme
the second half of the daytime/nighttime series made for one tj, this one being the nighttime music installment. the songs here delight me and terrify me and fucking knock the wind out of me. as usual, …
CD | Theme
the first cd in a pair made for tj (e.g. the beautiful boy with whom naps are things to which to look forward). the theme is daytime music, where its predecessor's ("more real than shadow") is nighttim …
CD | Mixed Genre
i assembled this cd as a last-minute replacement for the horrid music that my friend would otherwise be sure to play during a bonfire at his house last week. the clinic song (which i detest) was thrown …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a tape for tj. because he requested it. and because it is fun. and because aimless road trips to idiosyncratically-named towns and junkyardcarheaps in rural tennessee need soundtracks. and because ever …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
this was actually made for me by my friend olga (who knows i like cat power and mary timony alot)... several nights ago she was in the car with me when i rear-ended the car in front of me & smashed up  …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
a tape made for my friend ben, who's moving tomorrow (to live involuntarily with his parents in texas). he'll be missed.... this is to accompany him on the 15-hour drive. i already know he really likes …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
full title: "last-songs-on-the-album, out-of-context film stills, suspension bridges, pristine emotion, and poetic truths of high school journal keepers" ...with some titling help provided by lee ranal …
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