
Member Since: 11/1/2001
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 52

I like most things better in retrospect, in anticipation, or in fiction.

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LSflip's Mixes

LSflip's Favorite Mixes

LSflip's Mixes

CD | Pop
I'm giving this mix to my father for Hannukah, as part of my continued efforts to get him to appreciate modern rock. Every track on here is a recent song that derives from 50s and 60s rock. Some of the …
CD | Theme
Each of these songs mentions a specific length of time that has passed since a break-up. For Sinead O'Connor, "it's been 7 hours and fifteen days," while for Savage Garden, "it's been 7 months and coun …
CD | Theme
This is a mix of scenesters singing about how they hate scenesters, and indie musicians singing about how they hate music snobs. It seems there's nothing more ironic than hipsters mocking hipsters for  …
MP3 Playlist | Theme
Haddaway poses that age-old question, "What is love?" And so other musical greats provide their own answers-- love is a battlefield, love is a catastrophe, love is all you need. This is an easy game to …
MP3 Playlist | Pop
The last of three mixes for my britpop/Guy Fawkes Day party. I ended with three of my favourite sing-along songs-- it's uncanny, but if you end a party with Wonderwall, you inevitibly wind up with ever …
MP3 Playlist | Pop
The second of three mixes for my Guy Fawkes Day party. Whereas the first mix had some more mellow songs at the beginning, as guests were arriving, this is all dance music. I tried to get a good mix in  …
MP3 Playlist | Pop
I threw a Guy Fawkes Day party this November 5th to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot. Because Guy Fawkes Day is a British holiday, I went with all britpop music. I tried to balance …
CD | Theme
Inspirational tunes mixed with some top-notch girl power. Perfect listening for right before exams, debating competitions, gymnastics meets, job interviews, first dates, or any other occasions when you …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
If I wanted something from you-- like, a lot-- and if I sent you this mix to convince you to give it to me-- well, would you give it to me?
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