
Member Since: 11/1/2001
Total Mixes: 39
Total Feedback: 52

I like most things better in retrospect, in anticipation, or in fiction.

what I'm listening to

LSflip's Mixes

LSflip's Favorite Mixes

LSflip's Favorite Mixes

by Amy Y.
CD | Mixed Genre
dear self: N.B. so that when you make your own autumn mix you are not totally stuck for ideas. kthx.
CD | Theme - Narrative
hahahahahnvfjidsngjnmdlsgjitr. wow.
CD | Theme
dear self: please stop adding mixes to your favourites list and go get some fucking sleep. I mean, yes, this is a truly exceptional mix, and, yes, you were deeply excited when it made MOTW, but you really should have added it to your favourites list back in January and been done with it. Better late than never, I suppose. Now, for god's sake, go to bed.
by Jana
CD | Mixed Genre
Someday I will move to London and then I will make myself a copy of this mix... You know. Someday.
CD | Theme
I have been looking for a mix that gives me just the best of joy division and new order. This seems to fit the bill.
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
CD | Theme - Alternating DJ