
Member Since: 6/17/2004
Total Mixes: 49
Total Feedback: 7

krenzel16's Mixes

krenzel16's Favorite Mixes

krenzel16's Mixes

CD | Single Artist
Fleetwood Mac is probably my all-time favorite band, and while that is mostly because I worship at the alter of Stevie, obviously Lindsey Buckingham was a major reason for their success as well. While  …
CD | Theme
Not really an original mix, but some of my favorite mixes posted on this site came from the Freedom Suite series posted by "george metadata." I had made my own kind of "best of" CD from that series and …
CD | Blues - Classic Blues
Second volume of Soul/Motown classics.
CD | Single Artist
I made this mix around the same time as the Uncle Tupelo mix, back when I was just discovering alt-country. I love a lot of Ryan Adams' songs, but I really can't stand a lot of them either. He has put  …
CD | Single Artist
Uncle Tupelo was the group that really started me onto alt-country. This mix isn't a definitive Uncle Tupelo mix, or Son Volt mix, or Wilco mix - just an attempt to capture the No Depression sound with …
CD | Mixed Genre
A collection of 80s songs that you really only hear on 80s channels now and don't seem to cross over to AC channels very much. Mix title comes from the XM 80s channel, which I spend most of my work day …
CD | Single Artist
I first became interested in Kate Wolf after hearing Nanci Griffith's cover of Across the Great Divide on her great CD, "Other Voices, Other Rooms." Kate Wolf is great to listen to when you are depress …
CD | Mixed Genre
Mellow acoustic mix. Favorites include Mavis, the new Steve Earle, and John Lennon.
CD | Single Artist
Great reflective pop music. Look Up is one of my all-time favorite songs. Other favorites include Ballad of el Goodo, Thirteen, Watch the Sunrise, and Jesus Christ.
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