
Member Since: 3/25/2002
Total Mixes: 50
Total Feedback: 199

yeah, i have a livejournal. shut up.
what i'm (kind of) listening to right now

starkat's Mixes

starkat's Favorite Mixes

starkat's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
so what happens when you hook up with a boy who listens to orchestral music and pavement? you make him a mix of course explaining to him why your music is better! i had to be rather careful with the mi …
CD | Theme
honorable mention (i couldn't find these records while making my mix): joy division - digital, primal scream - shoot speed, jesus and mary chain - upside down. some of these songs were pretty cliched ( …
CD | Mixed Genre
eeeewww! two covers on one mix tape? i feel the need to explain myself. the cat power cover happens to be one of the greatest cover songs ever recorded. so many people have covered satisfaction (by the …
CD | Mixed Genre
hmm...i just noticed this mix is just like one i have on here called "hehe, marbles." damn. oh well. it took me about two hours to come up with the track listing for this mix and at the beginning of th …
CD | Alternative - Indie Rock
this mix is called "hehe, marbles" because the sofware i used to make the cover had a marbles graphic i thought was completely random and therefore hilarious at the time.
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