
Member Since: 3/25/2002
Total Mixes: 50
Total Feedback: 199

yeah, i have a livejournal. shut up.
what i'm (kind of) listening to right now

starkat's Mixes

starkat's Favorite Mixes

starkat's Mixes

Cassette | Theme
the first two columns are artist and song. the second two are who the song is about and who they are. got it? good. this mix is one of those mixes that is really more about the theme than the music, wh …
CD | Theme
this my sorry attempt at a noncliched political mix....and by noncliched, i mean no protest songs about the vietnam war because there are definitely a bunch of other cliched political songs on here. i  …
CD | Mixed Genre
when i started out on this magical, musical journey, i never really noticed how many songs had names of girls in their title. this is just the tip of the iceberg. hell, i could do one of this theme jus …
CD | Theme
the title is supposed to be a play on the wings song "silly love songs" but that didn't really come across. i made this quite awhile ago but just recently found the cd after it being under my bed for g …
CD | Mixed Genre
i'm really hungry but have no money and no food so i have, therefore, decided that making a mix about food will make my hunger subside. unfortunately, it didn't really work and i'm still really hungry. …
Cassette | Theme
i actually made this on a cd but they wouldn't let me use side two slots if i said it was on a cd. making this mix tape was actually a lot of fun and if i had taken just one different path (i.e. sonic  …
CD | Mixed Genre
this swap was made for the raindearswaps mix tape trading group. the theme was a woman scorned. the title comes from the heavens to betsey song. enjoy
CD | Theme
the title is kind of self explanatory. some of these songs may not make you dance all crazy like but feelings of dancing all crazy like are conjured up inside of me everytime i hear them. missy elliot  …
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix of all boys. all of these songs are really pretty except for maybe the karate song which i kind of regret putting on there. oh well. the title is from a line in the replacements' song. it is one  …
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