
Member Since: 4/26/2002
Total Mixes: 31
Total Feedback: 0

LUSTER : a film by everett lewis

Garret's Mixes

Garret's Favorite Mixes

Garret's Mixes

Cassette | Mixed Genre
Xmas 1995: I have always liked this years mixtape, because it is all over the place. The super guitar heavy White Zombie & KMFDM, but then going to cute acoustic gems like Ben Lee, wacky novelty covers …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Xmas 1992: My tastes were being defined by industrial music and a sorta-post-shoegazer thing. NIN was taking over the position in my mind of `most artsy and simultaneously rockin' music' (a position fo …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Xmas 1999 sampler: the last of my analogue xmas gifts..... Looking back this one is kinda interesting since it had so many new discoveries on it. Flaming Lips (and their new 'Soft Bulletin' sound) will …
CD | Mixed Genre
So, the challenge on Volume 1 & 2 of this 2 disk set, is that i was trying to do it exclusivly from "Her" CD's.... I didn't bring any over. I Was trying to keep the tone of it sorta mellow to go along  …
CD | Mixed Genre
My girlfriend, Rebecca, is a photographer. She had her first solo show at a gallery in San Francisco back in August 2002. The show was a selection of her website's photos. Check out: www.rebeccatuynman …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Xmas 1994: back in 1994 Marilyn Manson and White Zombie were just specks on the alterno-industrial landscape, The Skatenigs never made it, OJ was all over the news and Kurt Cobain did himself in. The H …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Xmas Sampler 1990: this is when the whole xmas tape thing started. The songs on it are rather telling... it was when i first started to get into Wax Trax! records and the whole industrial thing. But at …
Cassette | Mixed Genre
Xmas 1993 Sampler - for all my friends. made in an edition of around 15 copies. Recently DIGITALLY REMASTERED on 2 CD's!
CD | Mixed Genre
Xmas Sampler 2001 Disk #1: Hi. So, in the past years when it's time to make the Xmas tape I have looked forward to tucking into some 'Me Time' and raking over the last year of musical discoveries. Kind …
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