drunk in august sun

Member Since: 6/22/2005
Total Mixes: 18
Total Feedback: 22

drunk in august sun's Mixes

drunk in august sun's Favorite Mixes

drunk in august sun's Mixes

CD | Mixed Genre
title from "the staircase", by trouble books.
CD | Mixed Genre
a mix for my new partner in mix making crime.
CD | Mixed Genre
this mix was made for a friend of mine whom i crack on contantly for being a hardcore kid. i wanted to broaden his horizons a bit; i also wanted to make it easier for him to get into with more crunchy  …
CD | Theme - Romantic
to anyone who is viewing this mix before any of the others, this is the second part of another mix i made entitled "elation. floating." check that one out first. as you can tell, things between the boy …
CD | Theme - Romantic
this is a mix for a boy i met at the end of july. i never knew from experience what the phrase "whirlwind romance" meant, but now i do. for two glorious weeks, we were inseperable, but at the end of th …
CD | Theme
i made this mix in the summer of 2002. i was 16 years old, and i'd just started getting into more 'classic' rock. no idea why i put that jane's addiction track on there though. ah well. this mix sent u …
CD | Theme - Romantic
this mix was made for the person i'm currently in love with, who's being a pretty big douche. it tells the story of how everything started and ended, and how i felt afterwards. "p.s. you rock my world" …
CD | Mixed Genre
the title comes from something that my friend staci and i do. when we randomly start dancing, it's always a "dance party !" i always told her i'd make her a "dance p …
CD | Mixed Genre
on sunday (6/19/05), my best friend sent me away with three CDs and told me to give her some music. when i left her presence, i was sober and intended to give her the best three mixes i could. then i,  …
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